Lothar Alliance Reconnections

Little late to this thread but none the less, is this Legacy of the Forgotten?

I remember the guild but not many people other than Jocelynn who was the GM I believe. He was a night elf hunter if I am remembering correctly.

I played a Human Ret Pally(Tpage) and Gnome Warlock (Yuba) and have fond memories of raiding ZG with you guys.

I was 12-14 at the time so things are kind of foggy now.

I raided with Reverti Lux in Vanilla as a healing Ret Pally (Tpage) and then later switched to my Warlock (Yuba). I think I was a part of gDisband up until the end of SSC but I could be incorrect on that as it was many years ago.

Who was the guy who did the airliner speech in molten core? if anyone remembers that.

You are correct, I remember him quite well.

I was Yuba (Gnome Warlock) and Tpage (Human Ret Pally), pretty sure I was around up until about SSC.

Eldarin (Hunter)/Celabris(NE Priest) here. Kinda stumbled on this thread recently after playing classic last year. I know Rabe still plays a bunch but unsure of anyone else from Redefine.

Would love to hop on discord with folks but I’m guessing most of us don’t play anymore.
Sano/forgot his mage’s name?
Kyzak (Dwarf Paladin and one of the nicest people I’ve ever played with)

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I remember Bronze really well, super cool dude to pvp with. I hope he’s doing well.

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Oh, wow. Eldarin was a name I didn’t think I’d see again! Not sure if you remember the insanity that was Elradin and when we were both guilded up together. Nobody got our names right!

Awesomesauce!! Grandaddy or w/e still around?

I remember playing in Awesomesauce, Good Game, and Might (just long enough to finish my trial before I got shipped off by my parents since I was 14 years old.) Many OG Lothar players still playing Classic/BCC? I was on Herod, now Benediction Alliance and Faerlina Horde.

Hey Ap I remember you, Ginx and Mutt played a bit with them on classic