Hey I remember you. You kept asking for the meters to see if you topped them
I remember you, I played with you when the game was very young, I went by Zender then.
Yes!!! What was you char name?
Oh hi Bellinna
Name: Lutechi - Night Elf - Priest - Healer
Guild: Underscore, Destiny, Revolution
Left tons of DKP behind, can I have them back? LoL
Was there for first server C’Thun kill - helping with addons lol
After I moved servers, years later I created WoW Lazy Macros website
and still going strong.
Some friends I remember:
Nanase / Maruchan
Haggus / Sede
Many more friends… (sorry if I didn’t mentioned your toon, it’s been awhile )
Playing classic as Lutechia in Mankrik or BfA as Violetita in Quel’dorei. Can find me easier as Lutechi in WoW Lazy Macros site or Discord.
Nytana here, was part of The Collective before moving to Frostmourne server.
hows things going peeps?
cdarla dwarf hunter guild was tragic heroes we migrated from EQ then i took a few year break but am now back .
Hey bud ! Not playing yet, but I may soon if you wanta play ! This is shibby
Funny! The screenshot implies that Elway is dead because I DC’d. LOL
On Westfall pve ShibbyLock Alliance, just starting today on classic
Love the Babylon 5 references.
Looking for Guild members of Order of Glory- When we first started the guild! This is Tonerquin from Lothar. I started a new mage on Altiesh called Tonerquin!
Aemilia. I was a fire mage
Hey mutiny , changed servers message me at dragunz@live.com
Also raided in Blessing throughout BC for SSC, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. Hi Apolder! Remember pretty much everyone here - was your friendly bear off-tank Korik (though I can’t remember if that was the name I used in Blessing). Miss you guys, had lots of great times! Tell Veliya and Holyjade (his GF was the priest, right) that I say hi, MTruck! PS. Anyone playing classic?
Píper, Elena, Elysia, Marijke, Katje, etc … still here!
I got toons on Pagle
The Grand Marshal Himself! This is Alavondrae. Used to roll around with TAG as Priest. My hunter was Lilitha and used to PVP with Chrysania.
I was always a bigger fan of your brother, but it is nice to see you still play