LotD Recruiting for M+ and Casual Raids

LotD, established 1995, has a casual and mature gamer-oriented Horde Community over on the Gurubashi server. We’re laid back, fun focused, and we like to do M+ and up to Heroic raiding. We’re currently building our roster for SL, and we’d love for you to consider us.

We only require voice chat for organized events, but hope you will join us there to share info and get to know others. I can PM you the Discord link if you’re interested.

Many of us are also working parents so we’re family friendly, we just like to play the bad guys, and we don’t expect WoW to be a full time job. We will progress as our roster and time allow, but our primary focus is to socialize and enjoy the game.

If you hop in discord please visit our WoW Horde Channels, and @Hades or @Serenity can set you up.

You can also pm me in-game a Haydezz, or send me a PM here.