Lostgamer World of Warcraft


This is fun, I am shocked and slightly worried how well I know this game’s setting lmao.

My highest score is 22799

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What a fun game!

I got 23158 points.
And now I’m going to go back and relearn how to do fractions because clearly I used up too much of my brain on this game.

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I was like, hhhmm I question my life choices considering how well I’m doing

YAH!! I think it might be really fun with multi-player!!

I got 20784, which is pretty good considering one of my locations was in the Shadowlands and thus caused me to be a mile off

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What is the point of this game?

It’s like those geolocator Google map games people play but for once us giga Chad wow nerds can finally put to use our decades of stored knowledge about the game to use.

24697 for Outland, my true home

23489 for the global map.

I’ve been playing solidly since 2009 and a little bit off / on before that. I’d hope my score would be high.

Mostly surprised at the location I got near exact on Azuremyst Isle. I rolled a Draenei to 11 once and never again.

Damn, this game knew where to test me. I failed pretty badly in Outland and Zandalar.

Ok redeemed myself and got 24698 the second game haha