Lost trying to unlock class mount (Paladin)

Back in very early BFA I levelled a Paladin to 118, only doing what was needed to level up. I returned recently, got to 120 on her, and have been doing mythics with friends. I want to unlock the Paladin Class Mount but I can not find any linear quest guide on how to start/begin/find where I am/etc. I am doing quests currently that might need to be done but I have NO real direction. The guides I find on WoWhead are BS. Unlock class hall, do quests, start mount quest chain < this does NOT even remotely come close to being useful and it’s all I can find, in many different forms and flavors. To say I am extremely frustrated would be an understatement. I don’t want to do EVERY SINGLE quest in LEGION just to finally find I unlocked a mount.

Does ANYONE have a link to direct me to with a linear progression for unlocking the paladin mount, I mean like from absolute scratch so I can trace through the quests/requirements/achievements I need and may have some of it completed?

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Okay, so in order to unlock the class mount, you need to:

  • complete order hall campaign
  • complete legionfall campaign
  • complete questline for class mount

For order hall campaign: Go here and look for the comment by Nalumis posted January 5th, 2017. Complete up to the achievement “A Glorious Campaign”

For legionfall campaign, here: You’re complete once you’ve gotten the achievement “Breaching the Tomb”

After you complete that, head back to Deliverance Point, and the quest “Worthy of the Title” will be available from Champion Cyssa Dawnrose to send you back to your class hall, to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. This is the actual quest that starts the mount questline.

The comment from Bursi on June 10th, 2017 lays out this questline.

Sometimes it doesn’t like to show up immediately, so you might have to fly to dalaran, /reload, or log in and out a couple times for it to pop up.

To easily check which quests you have completed on the lists, you can use this script in game:

/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12345))

Replace the “12345” with the quest’s ID number, which can be found in the URL of each quest on wowhead. For example, the quest below “Warriors of Light”, the number is 43697. If the script comes back “True”, you have completed the quest. If “False”, then you have not.


Edited to clarify and correct a couple things


That’s a lot of digging and posting and linking and stuff like this should get a sticky!

I’ve been doing a lot of this research and the issue I have with Nalumis’ order you linked is I’ve completed A Sign from the Sky (according to using the script you provided, already had checked using that script before I came here posting) but I have NOT completed nor do I have “A Falling Start”. I have no idea what fits between the two quests.

Give me a few to look into it.

Just to double check, you do have Trivial Quests turned on in the minimap tracker correct?

Also, check your suramar map for me and see if there’s a quest marker out in the water to the east of the city. (this is where the quest itself takes place)

As far as I can tell there is no quest between the two you mentioned, but it does not appear there’s a breadcrumb that leads you to A Falling Star either. Khadgar should initially have the quest for you in the violet citadel.

Trivial quests are on, Khadgar has no quest for me for A Falling Star, have logged in, out and relaunched them game as I have been trying to figure this all out. I have no quest markers in Suramar or in the water near Suramar other than daily/weekly.

This is actually the toon I am trying to do this on, I have checked wowhead quests as best I can but like I mentioned I have completed a Sign from the Sky but not A Falling Star.

Do you have any quests at all that could be phasing Khadgar OR the Violet Citadel? There’s a chance you can’t see it because it’s hidden by another quest that you have accepted.

No, when I posted this I had no Legion Quests in my log. I have started doing the initial Suramar chain even though it should have nothing to do with the falling star.

Edit: Hold on now I am getting a TRUE for A Falling Star… very sorry, not sure why I kept getting false.

Ah, very good! All’s well that ends well. Hopefully the rest of your journey to obtain “The fanciest of all the horses” goes a bit smoother. :slight_smile:

This post is the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for ending my very frustrated search for information about how to get that Legion Paly mount.