Lost Title "Vanquisher"

Logged into my main char when 8.1 dropped and I no longer had the “Vanquisher” Title. This title was awarded to top cut participants in the original Arena Tournys (BC/WoTLK era). I had this title for years on just my warrior, and was informed by a GM recently there was supposed to be an achievement for it. I was unaware of that because i never got an achievement for having the title. I do however have the achievement (Dated year 09) on my account for the Murkimus pet which was also awarded for the same tourny (just not for top cut participants, was like top 500 teams i think). The only other evidence i have is unedited screen caps in my games files showing my main with the title (not sure if there is a way to check if they are unedited).

Any help on this issue would be great, ive submitted multiple tickets since this happened and am very unsure if im getting to title back. I dont want to lose it as it was a super rare thing that i was proud of having.

Thank you!

Edit: I was instructed by GMs in game to post this here as a bug, im not sure if there is anything i can do to say what happened in my account for this to occur other than me (as the gm put it) “Logging in”

mine is missing as well, GMs said to do the same (post a bug report). hopefully this gets fixed, i am very proud of that title

Thank goodness im not alone lol, hopefully something can be done. its such a rare thing

Same here, I reported it to a GM. He basically said I never had the title to begin with since I didn’t have the 2013 Achievement despite the title (not the achievement) being attainable from the 09-2013 years of Arena tournament realm. I resubmitted a ticket and he said make a forum a post in the bug section so here I am.

Same here. Quite disappointed.