Lost my spot this week in ulduar (warrior)

Guess I can’t flag your posts because I have you ignored womp.

Like I said, if any moderators want to verify it, they need only IM me.

They’re ranked >10,000 and haven’t even done half the hard modes yet lol. They’re definitely not that serious. He’s clearly just lying.

Not saying a warrior somewhere has never gotten dropped. But the odds of it happening to the guy whose last 1000+ posts are literally all complaining about warrior dps… is exceedingly low.


Obviously. Do you even read my posts or are you just so riled up over this situation that your rage blinders are on?

Warriors aren’t the problem, people are. Make your own groups and invite who you want.

Didn’t happen lol

Up your game mate

Idk all their p4- p5 sims look exceptional. I’ll have to dig more into it but if those sims are correct any buff would leave them beyond broken

Definitely a possibility, but low ranked guilds still tend to take themselves too seriously. It’s a common thing.

“Oh geez, bud, UberStreamerXxX says Warriors aren’t viable, we’re gonna have to bench you.”

Meanwhile half their raid team stands in fire and doesn’t know how to dps while on the move. It’s super common, people like to throw blame without taking the time to look at how they can be successful with what they have. These aren’t good guilds, the OP should just move on and look for a better one. Chill guilds exist that will clear content at a consistent pace and don’t care what you play, they just want to fill their roster.

Man I really wish I had the time and resources for a test, but I’d wager money that an all warrior (plus healers) Ulduar raid could clear it. Almost certainly on HM too. I’d throw them a Shaman… I’m not a monster.


I mean, folks said the same thing about feral in p2 and it didn’t pan out. Like, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but we live in a world where buffs happen now. Presumably, so too will nerfs. If they buff warriors for p2 and p3, then have to nerf them again later, all good on my end.

I maintain that we needed zero buffs here. A 30% variance is totally fine. But buffs happened so… why the heck not? Plus, if they go too far and warriors topple Warlocks, who cares? Like sure, if in p4 they end up causing a 60% variance that’s a problem, but people put too much stock in rankings and who is on the top.

It just doesn’t matter lol.

Oh don’t worry, I’ll be sure to update this thread with my attempts to get into pugs as well.

You referenced a “sock puppet”, the irony is that I don’t use any alts to post on the forums. I know another warrior who lost his spot, and you’re referencing one who clearly isn’t me.

I mean really, what do I have to look forward to this week in terms of raiding. Having to negotiate with guild 25s to jostle for a position as an undertuned warrior. Or make my own pug from scratch having to lead a mishmash group of leftover players?

It’s not working anymore guys with warriors, something has to be done.


Your thread got carpet bombed Blade. I told you your reputation is in the gutter, and this is proof.

Still believe I’m hiding behind alts?


Weird, we just invited our Warrior, who was off for the night, in for our XT HM kill for a specific drop he needs. Seems legit, I think it may be you, not your class, that everyone is tired of.

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Something about “the boy who cried wolf”

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I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on the matter. People aren’t taking more than one warrior and the issue is only becoming entrenched given the buffs to ret and feral.

Ironically min-maxing has left warriors at the point of “One min, one max”.

Right? About time Blades shenanigans caught up with him.

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Because they don’t always need to be in top. If those sims are correct (and I recognize a lot of the class leads in those sims so to some degree I trust them) then this is going to pan out. It’s ok for them to be on the bottom just as almost every other class has been at sometime or another. We don’t need whiplash adjustments to all the specs every phase for perfect harmony. The sims show my spec will fall hard and if that’s the case it’s just the way it is. It’s the ebb and flow.

It’s real and again I’ll post the screenshots to any moderator who asks for them. Until then I’m reporting posts for baseless accusations.

Warriors are busted.

It won’t matter if we scale because there won’t be any warriors left.

Abusing the report system is a sure fire way to get banned.

I guess what I’m saying is…

PLEASE do it…


I already said I can prove my claim. You on the other hand, cannot. It’s therefore not abuse of a feature being used as intended.

One warrior per 25 man raid that guilds will take at most is absurd.

Oh he’s already threatened me with the exact same thing.

He thinks paladins mass reported him and got him suspended, and that I’m using sock puppets to attack him.



I agree. I’m not saying they should be. I’m just saying that, worse case, if they end up there it’s not the end of the world.

I think you might be putting too much stock on those sims though. No disrespect to the people who run them, but we’ve already seen that they are wrong for p2 so there’s no reason to believe that they will be correct for any other phase. This doesn’t mean they’ll be wrong either, but it feels like one of those “take it with a grain of salt” type of situations.

We also don’t need perfect harmony here either. I stated in another thread that class balance is hard. It’s unreasonable to expect anybody to get it right. But Blizzard has started making tweaks to the low end and Warriors are definitely on the radar.

If they get over buffed and dominate later, Blizzard can correct in subsequent phases. It’s not a big deal.