Lost honor level

last week i reached honor level 200 title BOUND BY HONOR. few days after that i noticed i was at honor level 86. now i am honor level 89. i put in mutiple tickets last gamemaster told me to put in a bug report i think that should be his job not mine as i told him the problem…

So the bug is still ongoing/active almost 2 months later? Figures :man_facepalming:

If you happen to be farming towards honor rewards seems like it might be a good idea to just do something else (PvE stuff basically) for a while until the bug gets fixed

No real point farming for something if your progress can just “poof” away in an instant for no reason

As a side-note, I would keep a few alts “on ice”/not logged into until the bug is fixed. I notice alts that haven’t been logged into since before 11.0 still have the correct honor level being displayed in the armory, so it could come in handy as evidence for future tickets and such

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Im so sorry! This is a reply i have gotten from a ticket " *I have searched and found out that there is a bug that is causing the issue and this is not just happening to you and other players have the same issue. We truly apologize for that. I would like to assure you that we have already escalated this issue to our Game Devs to solve it. We kindly ask you to bug report so it may reach the dev"…SPAM THAT IN GAME BUG REPORT TOOL AS MUCH AS U CAN