January 23rd, 6pm Server Lost City of the Tolvir, Uldum - Old Phase
on Wyrmrest Accord, Anchors will be available!
A mysterious market appears amongst the ruins of a Lost City. Colorful luminescent light emits from the old ruins, as loud chatter and fireworks fill the air!
Come buy from an assortment of traveling vendors, or sell your own wares!
OOC Event Description:
A market event, night time, bright colors, fun, joyful, a bit on the sketchy criminal side… but tries to hide it.
Encouraging people to drink Inky Black Potions.
Fireworks and other objects that emit bright colors encouraged, carry a torch or lantern!
We will have some street performers during the event and a Fireworks Show to cap off the night!
Help Needed:
There are about 18 booths marked on a map (see above) That are up for reservation currently.
You can reserve those booths by going to tinyurl.com/ROOKSdisc
If anyone would like to serve drinks or food, you may claim a booth, or there is a big building (located on north side of map) you may want to set up in. Msg me about that.
This would be security hired by the vendors, mercenaries. Not affiliated with either faction. Just to patrol the area, if any guild is interested in that sort of thing. (you could pass out inky black potions?)
We are looking for more voices and help with this project! So if this is something you would be interested in, join us in planning!
Can join in here: tinyurl.com/ROOKSdisc
A planning discord.
When you join there is a “verification” channel.
Pls say you are there to help plan this event there, so I can tag you in the ongoing thread.
If you don’t feel like joining another discord, feel free to let your thoughts/opinions be known here!
Very excited to see this! I founded the Lordaeron Night Market on Moon Guard almost 2 years ago in March of 2023 and this has spawned inspiration through the community starting with our sister market The Gilnean Black Market who we proudly partner with. It makes me so happy to see more black markets in the RP community!
The ruins of an ancient city return to life once more! Merchants from all over fill the streets, waving bright tapestries and lighting up the sky with colorful fireworks for one night! Come partake in a variety of wares, and enjoy the festive celebrations of the Lost City Night Market!
Fireworks Show begins at 7:30 Pacific/10:30 Eastern Presented by the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe We will be in CATA time, warmode off. Speak to Zidormi in Ramkahen. Lvl 35 Hostile Mobs in Area One shot by max level players, and fairly spread out, but if you're on a low level toon be aware!
Lluagor - Horde
Zajora - Horde
Westcoast - Alliance we will be listed as "Lost City Night Market" in group finder at time of event.
A vibrant market that has sprung up amongst some ruins for one evening.
Bright colors, lights, and fireworks!
Items to possibly bring:
Inky Black Potions
Elixir of Tongues
Fireworks! Encouraged to use sporadically.
Bowl of Glowing Pufferfish - toy
Any torch/lantern toys/mogs that give off light. Fruit Hat be prepared to Conga Line...
https://tinyurl.com/LCNMmusic - Watch2gether Ambience and music for Fireworks Display. https://lostcitynightmarket.carrd.co/ - Booth map and Booth info.