Lost Ark is ok but

In my own personal experience this game is no competition to wow. It’s your standard isometric game with just more stuff to do in it. Also, the voice acting is pretty bad compared to other games in its genre like PoE or Diablo, it honestly doesn’t even come close.

It just goes to show you really can’t go by what people say at all, but you have to experience it for yourself and make your own judgement if it’s a game that interest you.

I didn’t go into Lost Ark thinking it was going to be replacement for wow, but it was just a game that interested me that I wanted to experience for myself.

Don’t ever buy into the hype folks, you’ll always be disappointed by the disingenuous.

im dling it rn. forgot it was coming out until i read a post about it. other then that though i mean i don’t really buy into any hype. WoW pretty much killed that for me LONG… ago. all hype and no deliver.

This game is amazing and if you wait it’s free to play.

No it’s not wow, and it’s not supposed to be. Believe it or not I can play lost ark all day today and still do a heroic raid tonight on wow.

This whole mindset that you must devote all your loyalty and time to one game is so toxic.

With that said I’m obsessed with LA right now and have no intention to come back to wow until probably 10.0 and that’s only IF it looks fantastic and they listened to player feedback. Once my sub runs out here I’m not planning to renew it unless I run out of things to do in LA which seems unlikely as it has years of content and alts to play.

If you like diablo then you would love love love LA

I think its easier to rag of WoW since its been around for so long and Shadowlands is such a dumpster fire.

Don’t look in the Lost Ark, otherwise…