Lost arena honor

Logged in and all my arena points were gone? any ideas


same thing for me


Blizzard has been ghosting everyone for over a week. No heads up on them converting arena points to honor, and for the week before that no word on them dropping points/rating requirements like they did the previous 7 seasons. I canceled my sub, they can pound sand.


Arena points were supposed to be converted after prepatch due to new honor cap, justice points and honor cap at 4k in Cataclysm.

They did it before prepatch, making everyone lose a ton of potential honor towards new cap, which is very, very scummy, can we please have more than one person working part time in classic so mistakes like this stop happening, please?


Yeah I was still debating on getting my wrathful legs since I had enough arena points and was waiting to hear if they was going to be a discount or not.

Really wish I knew they weren’t waiting until pre-patch to convert things though. Plus I don’t think I noticed a conversion either.

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