Lost a LFR roll. Item was mailed to me?

I was playing LFR last night and lost the roll for a 1-hand weapon. It showed on my screen that someone else won it. I left the raid and it was in my inbox??? Has this happened to anyone else recently?

Are you sure that more than one of that weapon didn’t drop?

I rolled/passed on everything available.


If the same item drops 2 items and somone “wins” both then the 2nd item will be given to the 2nd highest roll

Oh really? I didn’t know that…that’s good to know. So it won’t let someone win the same item twice?


Seen it a few times in my old raid mount runs i do every week. If somone wins a item they cant win the same item, even if they roll the highest on both same items

They can win more then 1 item per boss though. Saw on reddit somone winning all 3 items on a raid boss

That must be what happened! Thank you