Losing honor due to afk

I have had this same priest afk in rated battlegrounds with me 3 times now. It goes something like we join, he is afk for first 2 rounds and then match ends. Does anyone know why I seem to be losing more rating than the guy who keeps afking?


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That is not happening.

The guy who afked lost 7 rating while I lost 23. I wrote this, because I thought that if there was an afk player there weren’t any changes in rating.

If you’re playing in a team matched at 1800mmr while you’re at 1800 cr and the other guy is at 1400 cr, you’re going to lose more rating. Rated bgs don’t care about performance or whether or not someone afkd, though idk why you would willingly group with an afk player three times.


I hadn’t, it was just solo shuffle. But thanks I understand now.

you said rated battlegrounds

He means rated blitz obviously

there was no rated blitz when he made this post.

learn to time warp lil bro

Ugh why did he necro it like a weirdo

it wasn’t a necro lol

If it’s more than a day old it’s dead. Things change fast in these parts