Losing haste in moonkin form

I am just curious if I am missing something, I thought our stats were tied to the spec and not our form. I might be missing something but I have never noticed this in previous expansions, maybe I wasn’t looking. Could someone point out I am mistaken or not. In the image left side is Out of Moonkin form, right is in Moonkin form. the haste and mastery switch, I go from 17% haste 23% mastery, to 11% haste 28% mastery.

If you’ll notice, your mastery also went up in moonkin form. This is because of the talent Lycara’s teachings; an old Torghast power. It grants haste in caster form, mastery in moonkin, vers in bear, and crit in cat.


Ty I don’t know how I missed that, it was driving me crazy.

Haha, no problem.