Hello Champion, what are you looking for in a guild?
Is it organization? Dependability? A long-standing community (est. in Vanilla)? Raiding AND Mythic Plus? A casual schedule with a mid-core mindset? Standing in fire? Ok maybe not that last one…
Lose Your Life of Lightbringer - Is all of those things and more. Each tier we obtain AOTC and dabble a little into mythic for at least 1 vault slot.
While raiding is our primary focus we also have several active M+ players with armies of alts ready to jump into keys.
We are looking for more friendly + reliable individuals to fill out our 25-player raid team.
Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM EST
-Time Zone Conversion - (8:00 PM-10:30 PM CST | 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST)
Currently Recruiting:
Range DPS - Warlock, Mage, or Balance druid
Current Progression:
4/8 Mythic NP
8/8 Heroic NP
Contact any of us to apply
Guild Master: Sugar#1437
Officers: Sting#11351 or Darann#1686
Guild Master: sugar.venom
Officers: sting or darann