Hello Champion!
What are you looking for in a guild?
Is it organization? Dependability? A long-standing community (est. in Vanilla)? Raiding AND Mythic Plus? A casual schedule with a mid-core mindset? Standing in fire? Ok, maybe not that last one…
Lose Your Life of Lightbringer - Is all of those things and more. Each tier we obtain AOTC and dabble a little into mythic for at least 1 vault slot.
While raiding is our primary focus we also have several active M+ players with armies of alts ready to jump into keys.
We are looking for more friendly + reliable individuals to fill out our 30-player raid team.
Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM EST
-Time Zone Conversion - (8:00 PM-10:30 PM CST | 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST)-
Currently Recruiting:
Closed for the moment check back another time
Players applying to raid should be around 465 item level.
We accept both Alliance and Horde players.
—bonus pts if able to play an off-spec—
If your class isn’t listed but we sound like the type of guild you’d want to raid with drop an application anyway, we are always willing to look at anyone who fits our vibes.
Social (aka non-raiders) applicants are also welcome to join up!
Current Progression:
3/9 Mythic Amirdrassil
9/9 Heroic Amirdrassil
3/9 Mythic Aberrus
9/9 Heroic Aberrus AOTC
3/8 Mythic Vault
8/8 Heroic Vault AOTC
Apply today at::
Have questions about the application process? Visit our Application FAQ:
Contact us with additional questions
Guild Master: Sugar#1437
Officers: Sting#11351 or Darann#1686
Guild Master: sugar.venom
Officers: sting or darann