<Lose Your Life> Open Recruitment; All Classes/Specs for Heroic Uldir \ M+

Lose Your Life is not just a guild but a home for wayward nerds. We have been around since Vanilla killing bosses and creating lifelong friendships.

Lately it’s been hard to really enjoy the game so we’ve decided to step away from Mythic Ulldir progression raiding to get back to the core of what we’re all really looking for out of our wow experience, enjoying the game because of the people we play with.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 PM - 12:00 EST
Time Zone Conversion - (8:00 PM-11:00 PM CST | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST)

Tuesday = Heroic Farm
Thursday = Mythic plus groups
*This will change when the new raid is released to both nights of raiding until on farm

Currently Recruiting: All Classes / Specs

Players that like to run mythic + and take charge of community events highly considered.

Current Progression: 4/8 M Uldir | 8/8 H Uldir AOTC

If you are looking for a home, look no further. Apply today at www.LoseYourLife.com

Have questions about the application process? Visit our Application FAQ: https://www.loseyourlife.com/application-faq

Still have questions? Add us:
Bnet -Stinggar#1176 or Darann#1686
Discord - Sting#5237 or Darann#3829

Wayward nerd here. It is indeed an awesome guild with awesome peeps! (completely unbiased opinion)