-Los Pepes Hermanos- 8/8N 4/8H is a new guild actively searching for experienced and skilled players to fill out our roster for weekend raiding. We are looking to get AoTC and push mythic content in TWW S1 as well as push keys in M+. Our core primarily consists of experienced raiders (most AoTC and several CE) and returning players. If you are looking for a group to progress through raid, joke around with, and improve with, we might be a good fit for you. If you arent the most experienced player and still are interested in applying, dont hesitate. Newer, coachable players who are invested in improving are encouraged to apply.
Raid Times are Saturday 6:30-9:30 CST and Sunday 5:30-8:30 CST.
What roles we are primarily looking for:
-DPS (Warlocks/Mages/Aug/Rogue)
-Healer (Rsham)
-Exceptional and/or motivated players.
If interested in joining contact thecoolaidguy by either joining the discord with code fkT5XtSy or adding thecoolaidguy#2591 as a friend on discord.
Please copy and Paste the following with responses in the message:
Raiding Character name:
Brief Description of WoW Experience:
Class & Spec:
Link to logs of your choice or notable in game achievements (optional):
Why do you want to Join?
Link to your raider IO (optional):
Note: We dont speak spanish, its for the memes.