Some of our raid was experiencing extreme Line of Sight issues during the Stormwall Blockade encounter, during Phase 2 (P2) on the dock.
Players unable to gain LoS on other players to heal/dispell, others unable to even damage Laminaria because of random blockages — what seems to be invisible walls randomly placed across the dock.
Couldn’t find any correlation between installed addons, peripherals, War Mode toggle, etc. We pared down to 10 people to try to fix the issue, but it then seemed like every single person in the group began to experience it, myself included. We laid out raid markers to try to ascertain where the blockages were, but it was too random to properly account for, and it completely prevented us from even having a prayer of downing the boss.
I was apart of the above raid as well. I have a screen shot of some of the limits we found. Contact me if you would like to see it, can’t link a link
The bug is on Stormwall Blockade. What is happening is players/boss are becoming either untargetable and/or can’t use abilities on them from a certain radius. It seems that if you’re within melee range of Laminaria you can’t attack the boss with abilities, nor can you be targeted by spells from ranged. This also seems to be occuring on the sides of the docks as well but it’s hard to determine.
I joined someone’s already formed raid and got passed lead as we progressed and reformed this limitation started to occur. Eventually it was game breaking so the raid disbanded completely and left the instance. We reformed as 2/2/6 and went back in, cleared trash up to boss and realized that the limitation was present outside of the encounter.
Having the same issue on Wyrmrest Accord. Normal Blockade. Extreme LoS issues against P2 boss outside of immediate melee, like nearly falling into the water melee.
Can corroborate that I was unable to heal anyone in melee that were standing on the bricks in front of Laminaria because of this. I was getting constant “out of line of sight” errors.
This is an important note and I want to echo this point from Brainchewer: This bug, when present (because I’m assuming it’s not 100% of the time), can be reproduced before ever engaging the boss. Healers can stand midway on the dock and have another player slow-walk forward and find the point at which heals stop landing and start firing back the “not in line of sight” error, even though there is absolutely nothing in the way on the barren dock.
I feel like there needs to be like 5 secs between killing the add and applying the storm’s wail debuff. The adds get too intense. Regardless of comp, I’ve repeatedly wiped on this boss at like 5-15% because we then have 3 adds. I understand this is a pseudo enrage timer/ dps check but man… I feel like that will still be the case with a slight break between them.
The bump to this topic is appreciated, but this is not the thread, nor the forum in which to post this. You’ll get much better traction by creating your own new thread in the ‘Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios’ section.