This quest isn’t working for me:
It’s supposed to be:
-mount a drake
-target a frozen prisoner and use the drakes 1 key to free it.
-drake picks up the prisoner
-repeat 2 more times so that your drake is carrying 3 prisoners
-fly that mess back to a known location. (the drake actually takes over and does the navigating)
-at the end point, drake drops all 3 prisoners and I get credit for them
-drake drops me, flies off and I get no credit.
Everything I’ve read says that you should get credit at that point. Has anyone here faced this and have suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
This one is super frustrating because Storm Peaks is one of 3 zones I have to finish for the Loremaster Achieve, and this quest blocks completion. I’m going to cry if I get down to only having storm peaks to finish and can’t do it because of some bug.