Loremaster because I can't be a Lorewalker for some reason

Sucks that I have to use Loremaster for my title because there isn’t a Lorewalker one. Why? Why can’t we be Lorewalkers? I got exalted with them. I know more about Pandaria that Cho ever did. I’m 100% as deserving of being a Lorewalker as the lot of them, but noOOOoo, I have to just be Loremaster Peppermint.

Also, when the hell am I getting my pet back, Blizz?

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Would you be willing to support the creation of one Official PvP Server for Retail WoW?

In exchange, I will personally handle the lobbying and eventual creation of the Lorewalker title. I promise.

The following is our Messiah, Buchhojames


The “walker” suffix had a specific meaning. It refered to mortals who were able to “walk” in the Maw and return at will, hence Mawwalker.

It wouldn’t have any meaning in lore.

Lorewalker came before Mawwalker. I’m sure none of the Lorewalkers were hoping off to the Maw and back before we got there.

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Pretty sure lore master means you know a lot more than a lore walker

Lorewalkers are exploring and finding relics of the past

Loremasters already have the knowledge of said relics and past

When you did that quest chain in pandaria with cho he had no knowledge of your race and your ancestor history

Why would you demote yourself on purpose

I am a Lorecrawler at best.

Loremaster the Mawwalking Lorewalker :crazy_face:

But on a serious note…

I agree, they should add more titles for things like that.

edit for clarity

It sounds better and it’s more Pandaria-y and monk-y.

You going to hang around teaching Pandaren about their history and culture?

Just because you are friends with a teacher doesn’t make you a teacher.
