Loremaster addons Wholly/Grail

Currently working on Loremaster and I’ve used wholly/grail addons in the past to help me with this but I can’t seem to remember how I set it up and I could use some help to make it easier to do only loremaster quests using the addon. I’ve set that part up but still seems buggy like it doesn’t work properly or I’m just not doing it correctly

You can open the Wholly quest panel using the slash command “/wholly” or key bind it with binding preferences. From there or the system preferences you can open the Wholly preferences to allow you to see only Loremaster quests. For the older zones, Grail has not been updated properly to show only Loremaster quests based on the achievements Blizzard now uses, and relies on some older information. However, for the more modern zones the Loremaster quests Grail advertises are based on the Blizzard achievements in the zone, so should match well. If you have specific instances of problem quests/zones please report them.

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thank you.