As the title suggests, which race/races make great bm hunters lore Wise? I wanna make a bm hunter but I wanted to do it lore wise. I know orcs and Meghar orcs seem like perfect canidates but since i dont know all the lore, I was thinking there was something I might not be aware of
Not trying to min max at end game sicne im a casual just curious for lore reasons which race/races make perfect sense for bm hunter
Id say orcs are likely the best. Its pretty common for them to be best friends with a hunting doge. Night elves and nightsabers would also work.
See i thought about rexxar but he feels more like a survival hunter to me than a bm hunter. Also i know they use him as the picture for survival
Yeah, with the current iteration of survival, I agree. But they call him a beastmaster, and I think he is the most famous “beastmaster” in lore.
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Honestly hunter is just one of those classes that you cant choose a bad race for.
Its just a guy with his pet, shooting things. Theres not really a cultural bar that blocks that.
So I guess go with Orc then and not meghar
Pretty much what Moritz said, hunter lore wise works for any race, the only one it would make the least sense for is undead, as I am not sure if lore wise they need to eat, but even so hunting is more then simply food, they would have hunters to deal with wild and other threats.
Any race works, pick whatever looks or feels the best for you.
Yeah, that’s what I would say. Plus Orc has a very good Beastmaster racial that increases pet damage…
But most races have at least one beastmaster, so you have options.
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Orc and nelf as others have said, dwarf is a good choice since there’s a dwarf hunter in the vanilla cinematic. But really any race works well with hunter since it’s someone who shoots things with bows/guns (or uses a spear) with their pet or solo.
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Like I said, I felt like both Orc races were good in some aspect. I also thought Zandalari Trolls since they seem to have a affinity to beasts and they also have beast loas so from a lore perspective, those were the top 3 but as Pinar said also, Night elf also are one with nature and would have them as companions
With Beastmaster artifact weapon being a gun and Titan related, I’d go with Dwarves for Alliance and Orc for Horde as others mentioned.
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Thank you and makes sense
Thank you everyone for helping me out, hope everyone has a good day. Off to go level the Orc now
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historically in the game rexxar was the only beastmaster hunter, but you could argue that tauren too due to legion.
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