Hello all!
I wanted to know which armor sets you think have to do with a class (or sub-class) lore wise. Examples:
• Knight of the Ebon Blade: Saronite War Battleplate
• Druid of the Antler: Oathclaw Wargarb
• Druid of the Claw: Bearmantle Battlegear
• (Night Elf) Archer: Heritage of the Kaldorei
• Dark Ranger: Dark Ranger’s Attire
• Farstrider Ranger: Heritage of the Sin’dorei
• Scarlet Beastmaster: Chain of the Scarlet Crusade
• Blood Mage: Heritage of the Sin’dorei
• Blood Knight: Blood Knight’s Dedication
• Scarlet Inquisitor: Scale of the Scarlet Crusade
• Vindicator: Justicar Raiment
• Priestess of the Moon*: Darkshore Warfront Alliance Cloth
(*) Unfortunately we don’t have a “skin” for moonlight powers.
• Warden: Burden of Unrelenting Justice
• SI:7 Assassin: VanCleef’s Battlegear
• Dark Shaman: Kor’kron Dark Shaman Armor
• Footman: Stormwind Set
• Grunt: Orgrimmar Set
• (Night Elf) Huntress: Heritage of the Kaldorei
• Mountain King: Heritage of the Bronzebeard
• Scarlet Knight: Scale of the Scarlet Crusade
• Spell Breaker: Heritage of the Sin’dorei
• Azrothian Archivist: Renowned Explorer’s Attire
Only thing I can think of is that WOTLK PvP Sets featured a lot of half-face masks, prob cause it was cold as hell out in Northrend.
The Relentless Gladiator Helmet for Rogues (notably refered to as The Wearable Condom) was literally a leather ski mask
I’m not quite following. You listed tier sets. Don’t all tier sets have to do with a class?
Not neccesarily.
During ICC patch of WOTLK I was wearing a zombie suit which was random as hell lol.
I think he’s talking about sets with lore signifigance, which do pop up here and there.
There’s a difference between fitting the class thematically and fitting the classes’s lore background.
Today tho I think it’s difficult to take lore into account when making class sets since it’s no longer consistent with all the race unlocks.
Example, almost every other Race of Paladin has a different belief system or method of calling upon the light.
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Oh… I get it now. Thanks.
A lot of older Warlock sets are represented in game by NPC’s, but I think that’s true for a lot of classes.
Which sets of armor have significant lore meaning and are represented in game.
Do we include the trading post sets?
Poor monks didn’t even make the list.
T4 Paladin Armor with Hammer of the Naaru. The BEST
Replace that with the Eagletalon set for ranger and sure.
Heritage of the Sin’dorei also works for Warrior if you want a Spellbreaker look (arguably I’d mix the shoulders from Heritage and one of the BC cloth sets for Blood Mage)
Hunter T19 and its various recolors is generally considered the farstrider set (although the version used by archers and the elven ranger hero are more revealing; I think BC’s Beast Lord/Desolation mail sets were intended as an adaptation of them?)
But I don’t see a subclass or organization using these sets.
Yes. Cerkov responded well.
We don’t have a complete set.
Unfortunately. We don’t have a set for Shado-Pan or Brewmaster (like Chen).
Yeah, Vindicator. Thanks!
I didn’t understand.
Yeah, Spell Breaker. Thanks!
Unfortunately, we don’t have a class that fit.
The Heritage of the Sin’dorei fits with Farstrider too, thanks.
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I figure some might try but it’s a poor fit IMO; generally the recolors of this
and this
Is what I mean (the ranger visions during the belf heritage quest actually wear iirc either the alliance pvp version or the lfr version)
Incidentally there’s a non-heritage set that I think was designed to be wow’s version of Sentinel gear (lots of nelf guards and flightmasters wear it (irc it’s called Gryphon Mail but I could have sworn it lacked an actual mail version until Legion)
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Heritage of Kezan (The X-52 Set) for Goblin Hunters is great for Marks and SV hunters.
Even mixed with the Wasterwander Tracker’s Kit makes for great BM and SV mogs for goblins.
But which subclasse or organization (lore wise) that heritage represent?