[Lore] what is the Holy Light?

I have been researching the lore of side characters, not sure how fleshed out any of this is, but do we know where the holy light used by paladins and priests comes from?

Since only Elune is real, my guess is that it comes from powerful demons. The yellow coloration is also intriguing. My theory is that it may be urine from a powerful gaseous demon in the twisting nether worshipped by the younger atheistic races such as humans.


I thought this was a serious discussion until I read your second paragraph.


The Holy Light is 42


You didn’t know Elune is real?

WoW’s Elune is based off the real thing. /s

How about you finish reading his drivel before you critique my post?

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Lol is it a critique?

I was poking fun at OP.

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Its just Wednesday, move along.

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The Light is one of the planes of Existence in Warcraft that is led by the Naaru through the use of Holy Magic. The Light entity itself is a shimmering sea of energy outside the barriers of reality. Same for the Shadow, which itself is also a sea of energy but it is void and dark, both exist outside of reality.

To explain a plane, you can think of the isles of the Shadowlands itself, the Shadowlands are each a realm within the plane of Death in Warcraft, and is led by the Undead. The Light thus, is another plane of existence, and is led by the Naaru.

The Burning Legion, as another example, govern the plane if Disorder, using Fel magic. The Death plane uses Necromatic Magic, and is goverened by the Undead. The Shadow Plane uses Void Magic and is goverened by the Old Gods. There are 9 planes in total by the way.

Elune is one of the Wild Gods of the realm of life (another wild god is Goldrinn the wolf who made the Worgen), and her sister the Winter Queen who resides in the realm of Death. The Winter Queen you can go see in Ardenweald right now, but a definitive model for Elune hasn’t been seen yet. They’re part of a large group of sisters.


This man is blessing us all with seriousness.

Thank you, brother.

(This forum is so weird)


It comes from a cheap lamp that needs a new shade. Preferably one without so many holes.