Lore Heavy RP Guilds?

Hello! I’m just curious. I know a lot of people see people who follow lore as “elitist” and I’m not looking for that. I am however, trying to find if there’s a singular guild out there that follows it closely. Lore bending in guild settings specifically usually break my immersion when it’s inconsistent to Blizzard’s writing. (I know Blizzard can also be inconsistent).

I’m wondering if there’s any guilds who don’t have headcanon, fancanon, fake places, fake laws, or anything like that?

I honestly think you’re going to find that most guilds on MG follow more closely but leave room for things like head canon, etc as long as it doesn’t actually cause issues with canon itself. Creating a small town in an area that’s vast isn’t lore breaking to me. Having words for things that don’t exist in a particular language isn’t going to kill anyone either.

That said if you strictly want a 100% lore adherent no head canon guild that’s your priority and I respect it. Just know you’ll have a hard time finding it in any RP community on WoW.


They are out there, I have been a couple myself but sadly they are no longer active. If I ever get more time on hands to kick off the guild concept I have in mind, it will not contain any of the things you are listening, OP. For now I can’t really think of any but I am sure they are out there. Just a bit harder to pick out in the crowd.


Thanks for letting me know!

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