Lore / backstory I guess?

Hello y’all I’m trying out DH for the first time finally & I like to get into alittle bit of backstory I guess. So I’m wondering, what do y’all think all of your Demon Hunters are up too these days after the Legion Days. Like where do Demon Hunters fit in ya know

I don’t know if this would fit lore-wise but I like to think my character joined up with the Wardens after legion, and now I’m a bounty hunter of sorts.

I think canonically, the Illidari are still watching demonic activity throughout the cosmos. The legion is dissolved, but there be demons out there still.

I’d say the player character DHs took it upon themselves to aid Azeroth’s champions in facing the other threats pointed at Azeroth. You became a DH to save the world from demons, and the demons aren’t much of a problem now, but the world still needs saving.

We’re still also technically in charge of the Illidari, so i like to think we just told Kor’vas to keep an eye (hue hue) on things in our stead, and to call when needed.

My DH has issues.

First she undergoes a horrific ritual to become part monster, acquiring an internal demonic presence she must constantly be on guard against for the rest of her life. She made this sacrifice to help save her people. And how did they respond? They shunned her, for what she’d become.

Rejected, hurt and angry, she has since sought ways to find internal peace. She befriended a Monk (my first main) who taught her meditation. And now she seeks further inner strength through her actions in the Afterlife.

Yah. She has issues, and she’s workin’ through them.

In addition to what’s been touched on above, Shadowlands gives DH’s plenty to consider via the new revelations about the Nathrezim.

Consider; you’ve dedicated your whole life (for night elf players, this can be thousands of years), your soul even, to the destruction of the Burning Legion only to just now find out that the driving force behind the Legion, the Dreadlords, have been in the service of a different power structure the whole time.

I’d say that does a bunch to reignite your thirst for vengeance against your core enemies.