Lore and Classes (10.1.5 spoilers)

The first clue for me about Sargeras was the skateboard he used to traverse the cosmos.

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I wonder if Orcs might get Druids next?

My sense of it is that Paladins will come first, it’s just easier. Almost expect Druids to be an expac feature with all the forms they’d add. Who knows, though! Orc Druids will RULE.

This is dumb and bad. The other ones can be argued for, but these are like race lore-breaking.

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Since Warlords of Draenor, the lore hasn’t mattered. At this point in WoW’s lifespan, Blizz just needs to maintain player retention any way they can. And Draenei have cool spellcasting animations.

Well…you may get your wish. Don’t know for certain but the old Scholo Logo did show up and there are some datamined IDs…


I’m pretty indifferent and have been wanting Blizz to pull the plug on class race restrictions for awhile now. This is one of those things that I think gameplay should trump lore because I want undead shaman for cute tombstone totems and Dwarf druids for cute little beards for their animal forms.

Lore wise I can see warlocks working for a lot of the new races.

Draenei have a lot of interesting ways to go about it.

You could be an Eredar that fully believes in the threat from the Void. They could have information or unique insight into the working of the voidlords and seeing how this pesky world Azeroth managed to defeat the Legion. It may not be such a bad idea to join them because they might be your best bet against the spoopy lords.

Another option is you could be a Draenei that basically went that typical, fight fire with fire route.

Lightforge could be a fun way with this idea, the Army of the Light decided to Lightforge Eredar and use them to basically fight Fel with Fel. Xera was able to bend the will of the Eredar to serve whether they wanted to or not. You existed as throw away shock troops, sent to battles with little hope of survival but you survived and survived until finally the Legion’s defeat. Xera is gone, the Legion is gone and you and your Lightforge companions are now attempting to find a place amongst Azeroth.

There’s a lot of fun ideas you could do


Just gimme Worgen/Nelf Paladins!!!


We need everyone to become paladins.

Mostly so we can finally Order 66 the Warlocks and DKs so that we can finally put them back in their box lore wise since the Paladins have better PR and will be able to get away with it.



This is relevant to my interests.


I would say it’s a matter of interpretation. If the narrative is that these individuals were always around and are commonly accepted members of society then, sure it’s lore breaking for races who’re defined by their allegiance with the Light and opposition against the Legion…

However, the class itself is often treated as derelict in many cases, and it’s not as if regular or Lightforged Draenei wouldn’t have reason to at least consider dabbling in the power that has been used to rock them time and again. As alienated but well-intentioned individuals/groups they’d essentially be to their people what Demon Hunters are to Elves.

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yes this is a sentence

edit to add: Did anyone peep the hug animation with Kalec and other blue dragon in the Drunken Hozen?

I still have characters that carry half-full vials of polymorphic acid.

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To follow up on my earlier post in this thread:

Article Ion Hazzikostas Quote:
“They want to add ways to get appearances that exist in the game that are no longer available / have never been available back into players’ hands. They want to hopefully get to a point where there are no remaining things in that backlog, other than ones that are very deliberately no longer available like Corrupted Ashbringer.”

FINALLY. I’ve posted innumerable times about this. One of my biggest personal gripes is the absolutely insane amount of items they have in their gear/armor/item database that are no longer available or that have never been available, to players.

Release it. Open the vault and let’s go.




Yoooooo they’re adding in the robes and cowls the Cult of the Damned NPCs wear


can’t wait to see the first lightforged warlock get hate crime’d by other draenei in stormwind

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no one rps in stormwind we’ll be fine

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yeah the entirety of wra alliance moved to private servers or quit lol