Lore-abiding RP?

Runs on in and frantically waves their arms at their guild name

Going to shamelessly promote my guild :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Most of our RP is fairly lore abiding but we aren’t going to be insanely strict either. Some of us, (like me) run on looney toons saturday morning cartoon logic so we got a lot of silly things happening but it still works within the lore. Like, who says a mecha duck can’t be a Loa??? Because that’s what this mecha gnome behind me with a knife to my back says and this statement is not at all made under duress.

We’re also totally not a cult.

Anyway, when it comes to lore abiding RP I run with canon Juspion and non-canon Juspion.

Canon Juspion will follow the lore.

Yet for context, Juspion is not a monk IC or a Lightforged Draenei (i just want pink hair) and in a guild event, he became void corrupted and he’s a bit crazy and dabbles in shadow and time magic now. Why I don’t play him as a shadow priest (and soon to be warlock), well cloth gear is ugly and I like playing as a monk.

Yet, for some people, that is lore breaking. To me, it’s not at all, like the shadow corruption came organically from an RP event and it was extremely funny. Yet that’s how I roll with it, because I’m a monk and I can roll.

Non-canon Juspion, this is basically, if I’m out and about and someone’s idk Master Chief Halo Guy Jedi approaches me and wants to RP selling me Arby’s. This to me, is lore breaking because there is no Arby’s on Azeroth. Yet I’ll totally RP with them and just roll with it and have fun. Yet, I won’t really consider it canon to my character because I’m more a fried chicken kinda person.

I also don’t play often enough so I likely won’t run into Halo Guy again and don’t have to worry about following up on the chain of Arby franchises I promise to open on the moon.