Lordy I'm getting old

Trying to wrap my head around setting up a utility addon for testing code.

I was Ehiztari, by the way, I’ve been out of the game for a few years.

I found some of my own old code here in one of Elvenbane’s “Tips and Tricks” threads.

I’m trying to insert it into a fairly generic utility addon - a place where I can test snippets in context with the game - and I’m running into stuff that’s probably so simple that I’m overthinking it.

My motto!

If you can’t overthink something, why think it at all.



Location: C:\Program Files(x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\

(watch this space - still filling it all in)
TOC file:

Title: KW_Utilities

Your TOC needs to reflect the file(s) your addon should be loading. The title should also have ## to reflect that it’s addon metadata.