Lords of Dread Mythic Sepulcher not Soloable - Perma-Horrified

With the new patch 11.05, there was the note that mythic shadowlands raids/shadowlands raids in general had been tuned so that they would be soloable. See: "Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands raid encounters have had mechanics adjusted so that they are possible to complete while solo or in a party. "

However, on mythic Lords of Dread, Kin’tessa still casts Aura of Shadows, which locks the player in perma horrified if solo because you’re required to have another player come within 8 yards. My tank is literally stuck and cannot die now because of this, I’m 610 and just barely had her almost dead before she cast it because I didn’t realize I had to focus her down and it would be a DPS race. Please revisit this mechanic for solo players on mythic.


I got around this by burning her down as fast as possible and ignoring Mal’ganis. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of rez or ill effect if one dies well before the other. Before I tried that I was able to get out of it will pally bubble, but she cast it again within a few seconds.


Can confirm this is happening to me too. No DK abilities work to break the effect. The QC on this patch has been so terrible.


Yep, this is pretty annoying waiting the 5 minutes for them to actually finish you off.


I just encountered this on my undergeared Warrior and hit alt-f4. Waited a few seconds, came back in and the stun was GONE. Give it a try. Hopefully it works for others.

I will confirm this as of 11/09/2024 i was horrified … alt f4 then re-logged and had to pop some cool downs but then Run out of the affected area and Viola!!

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This as Brakus.

Glad I could help =)

How long is “a few seconds”? I’m currently stuck now, and alt-F4’d twice now, and still horrified.

I gave up on trying to alt-F4 and just let them kill me so I could take out Kin’tessa asap, then had no issues. Stupid Blizzard.

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I legit alt-f4’ed and immediately logged back in.


nope…still horrified afterwards.
stuff like this is just dumb …plain and simple.

As far as i’m concerned, as soon as a new xpac drops, tuning passes need to be done to the previous xpac’s raids to get rid of any mechanics that would make them unsoloable…period.


yup I am currently stuck right now as we speak

i got it eventually…you do need to burn down kintessa first as tehy said. But i had to basically wait until the beserk timer for the crap to finally kill me


Thanks that worked! well, just about lol

Yeah just experienced this myself, please fix :heart:

… Additionally when permentantly horrified (until “another player” rescues you – which won’t happen when soloing) it takes forever to be killed – Perhaps even impossible if you’re in a tank spec & thus this becomes a ‘STUCK’ issue as well.

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this just happened to me again even tho i was focusing kintessa.

Sometimes you can also just get unlucky and have her IMMEDIATELY spawn the pool right below you and you dont have enough time to get out of it. such a stupid mechanic

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okay now i’m angry.

i’ve now done this fight 3 times. Each time i focused kintessa and EACH TIME at around 5 percent…she tosses a slumber cloud or whatever that IS FOLLOWING ME and then magically hits me and perma stuns me. That IS NOT how this mechanic is supposed to work. It’s supposed to hit the ground and you can get out of it easlily.

what the actual HELL is going on in this place???

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anyone know why doors on both sides of lords of dread Mythic wont open

Just now ran into this myself, look like when she got to 100 Energy or whatever she has she Horrors you no matter where you are in the room. One her abilities, is also stacks as high as 4 before the enrage killed me. Tried to range it but never found a safe distance.

Perma Horrified is total BS at this stage of WoW.

Gonna bump this as it’s still an annoyance.