Lordaeron: Making yourself at home

So, it’s been awhile – but time to time, I see a post suggesting to make Lordaeron-city a full fledged, completely functioning Alliance city … Sprinkled with the Lordaeron kingdom mended etc.

Anyway, I thought I’d do a fun thread! :partying_face:

There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers, merely intriguing ones.

If you were to make Lordaeron a full fledged city (lets say the zone was stretched out a bit more, to make Lordaeron as large as Stormwind) and reclaimed for the Alliance — How would you do it? :thinking:

  • Where would the Forsaken go, for their new city & have for their lands? :houses:
  • What would the new Forsaken city & zone entail? (Quests, lore, etc) :exclamation:
  • How would the mended Tirisfal Glades look? :mag: :sparkles:
  • If ‘Eastern Plaguelands’ was renamed to ‘Eastern Lordaeron’ along with ‘Western Plaguelands’ renamed to ‘Western Lordaeron’ — How would you make the zones interesting from a gameplay perspective? :computer: :computer_mouse:

For those wanting Lordaeron to be reclaimed — Would you enjoy Lordaeron as a full-fledged city, along with its zones restored? :open_mouth: … If so, what features or cultural themes would you like to be emphasised in the city?

  • Holy light? :sparkles:
  • Human & Elven culture mix? :elf: :man_artist:
  • Various cosmic forces cultivated under the Lordaeron human kingdom & architecture? (Like Dalaran, but more diverse). :house_with_garden: :derelict_house:
  • Or would you prefer majority of the above (City extension & build up + zones restored) but have the city & areas made NEUTRAL? :heavy_heart_exclamation: :handshake: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Essentially this thread is a playout to the:
:hourglass:“What if”:hourglass_flowing_sand:

:tada: Let the ideas & story pitches flow! :tada:
Post down bellow how you’d play out the next rise of Lordaeron :thinking:

Bro you gotta lay off the emojis


People certainly suggest it become a full fledged city. But who the hell would ever suggest an alliance city? The forsaken are the people of lordaeron. They are not part of the alliance.


Joint horde and alliance hub. Horde keep Undercity, alliance rebuild the capital city on the surface. A city of the living and dead, shadow and light.

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I don’t think it should be an Alliance hub. In my own opinion, that feels like if we reopened the ruins of Teldrassil and rebuilt a place to live on it then gave it to the Horde (the comparison moreso relevant to the fact that both are the original respective faction hubs for their otherwise opposing faction-heavy continents, but I suppose there is also some lore-based feelings involved with my train of thought, as well). I think it should definitely be rebuilt as a city itself, but I think it belongs to the undead. Personally, I’d love a functional up-top and under-city, however redundant and large it may seem.

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I think Lordaeron should be a fully fleshed out Forsaken city. I’d like to see the Forsaken reclaim their former kingdom, and pave their own path going forward.

Their destiny was dominated and forever changed by Arthas and then Sylvanas. I’d like to see the people find their own way on their own terms.


I mean you’d think that, but there’s been many Alliance peeps that have acclaimed “It’S riGhTfUllY oUrS!” - regardless. Even some famous / infamous (depending on your view) content creators have advocated for it, such as Asmongold.

But alas – No wrong or right answers as I said! :partying_face:

  • So I take it if it were to be ‘restored’ or fleshed out as a more genuine larger city (above the Undercity) you’d like it to remain to the Forsaken & the Horde? :thinking:

If such were to be the case, what themes would you like the above area of enlargened Lordaeron city to have? :open_mouth:

If the above were to happen, personally I’d love soul-vibes / spirit energies emanating from the city and with ghosts roaming all around, along with San’Layn & various death-magics being experimented on or emphasised upon in different sectors of the city :grin:

… Honestly I think that’d probably be my desire – I mean, many would probably visit Lordaeron a LOT more then lol

Oh for sure. Even though I’ve always played both sides my undead mage was my first horde character. And my memories of their early zones are still very vivid. It means a lot to me.

I’m still keen on them being a generally very isolated race. Moving their capital above ground is a good step though. I think it fits with how they’ve progressed narratively. I feel like they’re now a lot more connected with who they once were rather than the monsters Arthas turned them into.

Aesthetically I hope they do away with all the nasty alchemy and experimentation. At least the kinds that used to be practiced. You know, all the plague. That was who they were under Sylvanas. I like the vibe of their heritage armor. I think that suits them. Purples and blacks, but once again sporting the symbol of lordaeron. That’s what i hope we see flying above the city one day.

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And this right here is where you lost me.

Lorderon belongs to the Forsaken. They are the people of Lorderon.


Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken, keep your golden curtain rods and teal carpets away from our slime pits.

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:open_hands: Hey, I didn’t say I agreed with them. lol

Just saying there’s radicals that feel they’re entitled to their beliefs … In terms of entitled radicals, I felt like he fit the bill – At least with this subject :joy:

OR … Here me out —
Blood Stained Golden curtain rods, and slime-covered teal carpets! (or vice-versa) :smiling_imp:

Naturally, if we’re gonna upgrade: We’re gonna upgrade in style. Right?