Lord. Survival is just obnoxiously good, lol

That damage would still be there if it was ranged, you could just do it from 40 yds away. The spec isn’t tuned to deal more damage than the other specs just because it’s melee.

I’m glad you enjoy the spec, though. Most people find it hard to since they don’t want to play a melee hunter and/or are upset the current SV replaced the old version, but it’s definitely enjoyable if you can get into it.


i just like it because it plays differently…
BM and MM are still on my playable list. Just never really gave survival a shot thinking it would suck.
I was very seriously wrong lol

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hunters are a RANGED class, the ONLY ranged physical DPS class. Why you would want to be stuck in melee when EVERY other actual melee class does everything better just shows you are not thinking.

SV will never be wanted in any group of decent players.


i ve played EVERY class in this game, friend.
SV isnt as bad as you want to believe, end of story

Because BM is so braindead EZ that I dont know why anyone could stick with it for more than a week without losing their minds, lol


Not for almost four years now it isn’t

And the only class that has a pet.

As well as the only melee class that has a pet.

Because melee is fun that’s why!

Also your point is just plain false and ignorant… During the whole of legion people like you and and even some “skilled” youtubers shat on the new sv hunter for being bad, when none of you even knew how to play it!

With this reasoning why would any druid play feral while there is balance or shaman play enhance while they could be elemental…

Seems like you are the one who is not thinking here…

Keep telling that to yourself. Maybe it will make you feel better someday.


Pot meet kettle


I would love for you to list all of the times Scabber has shown up to rail in posts like Bepples… Please, go ahead and try and prove they’re remotely similar. I could use a good laugh.


seems like its turning into a lovers quarrel in here, lol


Mage, Warlock, Death Knight

As well as the only melee class that has a pet.

Unholy, and Death Knight as a whole in Shadowlands. Unholy’s actually oddly similar to Survival, being a melee-ranged “hybrid” with DoTs that fights alongside a pet.

During the whole of legion people like you and and even some “skilled” youtubers shat on the new sv hunter for being bad, when none of you even knew how to play it!

People dislike the spec not they don’t know how to play it, but because it’s a spec that very few people asked for that overwrote a very popular and beloved playstyle.

With this reasoning why would any druid play feral while there is balance or shaman play enhance while they could be elemental…

Are you implying they don’t suffer from exactly that? Because they very much do. It’s much harder to get into groups as Enh or Feral.

Seems like you are the one who is not thinking here…

MSV defender toxicity, what else is new?


Right on, Survival is the best spec in the game! Thank goodness RSV is dead and barried!


its definitely making it into my top five specs, lol.

Favorite healer…resto shaman all the way
Favorite tank…BM monk
Favorite DPS…Unholy DK, Survival hunter, Enhanc shaman


The point was that you are saying Survival is better for being melee and having these things yet it’s pretty clear melee exists as a handicap.

Although from reading our posts again it’s clear to me we have different definitions on what “better” means here. I said ranged Survival was better in PvP because it pretty clearly had higher representation in the highest PvP ratings than the current Survival and that was in a time when PvP had much higher participation, too. That’s the objective side of why I think ranged SV was better in PvP, but subjectively I’d like to add I think it represented the traditional Hunter identity far, far better than the current Survival which seems to be trying its hardest to make a mockery of it.

Meanwhile, you think melee Survival is better in PvP because it has a higher skill cap. All power to you, but that’s pretty subjective. On one hand you do have to manage your melee v.s. range placement, but on the other hand you have Harpoon and net to guarantee your trap placements while being able to reliably trap a moving target was a huge deal for ranged Survival back in the day.

So you are seriously, honest-to-god doubling down on the notion that melee Survival is better in open world content and managing huge pulls than ranged Survival?

Oh, boy.

This is a perfect demonstration of something I see in a lot of Survival Hunters: they have no problem listing their gripes with the spec and demanding new, exclusive elements to make it better than the other ranged specs (and yes, they absolutely do this) but the moment they encounter someone who doesn’t like the spec it’s suddenly the most perfect and flawless spec in the game and better than every other DPS spec at absolutely everything. You’ve worked yourself into a state where you are totally unwilling to admit melee SV is worse at something than ranged SV, and that’s just sad.

As for the point at hand: it’s utter nonsense. Like I said, there isn’t much melee SV can do to make up for the fact that ranged Survival could do full damage with full mobility at 40 yards. It could pull faster and do huge AoE far more safely than melee SV ever could. The bulk of melee Survival’s burst requires melee range. Yes, you may be able to survive big pulls, but when you yourself are taking the hits that is absolutely a threat to Survival. During BFA speed-levelling on launch as BM I was routinely pulling 15+ mobs at once. Same goes on the MoP server for Survival. Melee Survival would absolutely die in that situation unless it stayed at range the whole time, and obviously its ranged AoE is limited. Even dipping in and out of melee range is risky.

The point is that as melee SV, not only is your ability to pull large amounts of mobs more limited (again, Barrage) but to do your full damage potential you have to be in melee. That may work for moderate pulls, but you’re having to put in much more effort and take much greater risk to even match BM and ranged SV let alone exceed them. And no, it’s not a “you die or you don’t” situation because then you also have to worry about your health between pulls.

What’s next: SV is better at this than BM, too? You wouldn’t be the first to argue that point, you know.

This might be true for you, but I’ve seen it plenty of times. The most primary demand is that SV gets some key, exclusive utility that makes it desirable for PvE and gives it some edge over the other Hunter specs. I’ve seen it on the forums, in the Survival discord from time-to-time, and on reddit. And most SV Hunters who aren’t living in a fantasy world know full well that BM is superior in all PvE content which was the point I was making in this part you quoted.


Here’s Putro’s SV feedback post on WoW reddit. He starts off with the usual spiel about how SV is flawlessly designed before going on to show how it’s not only less desirable than BM but also most other melee specs and that they should give it an execute and some strong raid buff.

You might really like melee, but melee Survival is unappealing to most Hunters because of the history of the class.

Before Legion Survival was fully ranged alongside the other two specs. It had a pretty cool take on ranged weapon combat where it focused on buffing the shots themselves with abilities like Explosive Shot, Serpent Sting, and Black Arrow. It had a pretty refined and well-flowing playstyle and also had better traps. So it was a pretty popular spec for many expansions before they suddenly just cut it out of the game and replaced with melee. So you can understand how people who came to Hunters to enjoy ranged weapon gameplay and liked Survival really didn’t like what they did to it.

Besides, the other problem is that specs that use ranged weapons are rare while melee weapon specs are plentiful. The game had only 3 specs that used ranged weapons and those were the Hunter specs. They each represented a different style of combat so together they explored that ranged weapon archetype pretty well. As for melee specs, before Legion you had 11 melee DPS specs so they were already well represented. Come Legion they add Demon Hunter while also making Survival use a melee weapon. So they took from an already small pool from ranged weapon specs to give to a large and growing group of melee weapon specs.

This game now has really crap exploration of the ranged weapon archetype. They never adequately replaced what ranged Survival was or represented that style of combat.

And then there’s the practical side of it. By being melee SV is automatically vastly less desirable in most forms of content than the ranged Hunter specs. It’s only ahead of them in PvP and that’s much more due to favourable tuning and a couple super-powerful PvP talents. Plus, last time the spec was ranged it was even more powerful and better represented in PvP.

I don’t know why you’re continuing to insist on using low level dungeons as a useful indicator of anything. They are utterly non-representative of the relative power differences between specs. Blizzard flat out doesn’t do tuning passes on low-level content at all and there is 0 control of differences in heirlooms or even playstyle efficiency. You have already said you’ve decked your character out with powerful enchants and there’s a solid chance that literally no one you’ve grouped with has done the same.

Even now that one of our specs is melee Hunters are usually portrayed as ranged in the game and most people only ever group with or encounter ranged Hunters. Our class icon is still a bow, for crying out loud.

It literally isn’t. Unholy DK has a pet.

We have 12 other specs in this game for people who find melee fun. We did not need one in the Hunter class and most of us didn’t want one.

Believe it or not, some of us like ranged weapons and it was nice to have 3 specs for us.

Survival was legitimately bad in Legion. It had a complete mess of a toolkit and took vastly more effort to get underwhelming results v.s. the other Hunter specs and even other melee specs.

Survival hunters themselves admit that SV is not desirable in PvE content.


because thats the content Im playing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
And Ive already stated that I am sporting gems and enchants that thats likely some of the DPS, but i looked at the numbers Im getting from the extras and the math still shows me getting more DPS than what Id have expected.

Yeah…I get it. you all lost your favorite spec. I probably would have liked it better, but you need to maybe stop living in the past and accept that they changed survival.
Just like they trashed pet aggro early BFA after I paid $60 for a boost. Spilled milk. I aint gonna keep crying about it forever…its a waste of time and energy.

and on that joke point there…NONE of the content Im in is tuned, friend. Not just MY spec that Im playing right now. So your point is non existent.
IF MY spec were somehow getting some unfair advantage at level 60 then yeah…you might have some argument there to make bringing up the content Im in.

Yeah…the numbers will be different at higher levels and some things may change…but ifyou expect me to believe that its THAT VAST a difference between spec at 120 Im sorry but Ive leveled a TON of characters from 1-120 and I aint seen any evidence of that being any major issue.

As I final note, yeah…Ive SEEN what you all call ‘twinks’ in lowbie runs destroying the Details charts. Im quite sure they are just as geared as I am…if not far better.


Cool! That’s the great thing about Hunter now, it’s diversity!

Survival is my favorite melee spec atm and MM is tied with Destruction for my favorite ranged!



Can’t lie; that’s what constantly happens in the debating forums: somebody puts an opinion contrary to what someone believes and dispute it, then it turns into a grudge match between the two or more people. Or after a while, some commenters are disliked for constantly commenting with the same opinion,THEN getting into a quarrel with opposers or people who complain.

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I miss SV, but my gear is crap for it :confused:

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From theme perspective, none of those are pets.

Don’t know how mage one works, but warlocks make pacts of mutual benefit while dks have literal slaves.

Except one is mobile tracker and the other obe is a walking brick.


Cool. Such a shame I don’t enjoy a single one of em because they are either too flashy (paladin, enhance (and I refuse to touch that god damn abomination… Ever since legion rework it is no longer a spec for me), weapon choice I don’t enjoy (2x 2h of fury and dagger rogue), simply unviable (arms), reliant on stealth to dps (rogue), is a beast not a beast master(feral), or a theme (dk)

Hell… Sv itself has theme problems… What’s up with the explosions? And I really dislike the mini xbow…

Legion sv with killer instinct build was more fun and enjoyable version of sv for pve that had the most satisfying combat flow and feeling of power while taking hatchet toss was great pvp choice

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Gl OP hope you have fun :slight_smile:


warlocks have pets, mages can spec into a pet, DKs are melee with a pet… shame literally everything you said is exactly wrong

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From wow wiki:
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts. These voracious spellcasters summon demonic minions to fight beside them.

From wow wiki:
These creatures are made of the magical essence of water. Once created, they are loyal servants, and will unerringly do the bidding of their masters.

They are literal slaves risen from fallen enemies…

right back at you

They may act same in game, but thematically and lorewise are completely different

Hunter from wow wiki: All hunters create lifelong friendships with animal companions, who are also often their best and only friends, if the stereotype of the reclusive huntsman is to be believed.