Lord. Survival is just obnoxiously good, lol

That’s what Ion thought, and it much of the impetus for the Epic prune in Legion.

Unfortunately, I don’t think homogenization causes people to lose class identity as much as getting pruned does. A great example of this was the removal of traps from MM and BM hunters in Legion. When I logged in that day, I felt like my hunter was gutted. There were a lot of other things that caused this, but losing my traps was really, really bad. I knew I lost my RSV hunter, but then I didn’t have anything left that even resembled a hunter. That was such an important part of the class to me. I’m still missing a lot of the traps and abilities I wish I still had.

How would you feel about losing your traps because they decided too many classes had them, or had something similar to them?

I argued from day 1 that the removal of abilities simply because another class or spec had them reduced our opportunity to solve unusual problems and perhaps be the savior of a raid or even ourselves when running solo (Ion refers to this now as masterful play). When I use an ability to do something special, it does not matter to me that other classes could do the same thing. The important part is that I was the person to do it.

Homogenization was an argument without a complaint. It was kind of like the prune, the eternal grind, and the ridiculous RNG that makes it near impossible to max out a character. These are things most people didn’t complain about, but the dev team saw fit to force down our throats anyway.

No homogenization was not the problem. Pruning abilities (and entire specs) is the problem.


I see your point, but I would add that they both are the problem. I meant the design of class fantasy, and class unique spells exists. It was in first few expansions. That’s why the demand for Classic exists.

I would delve further into it, but again this is horribly off topic. If you want to discuss survival at release compared to now, i’m more than happy to!

Thank you for your opinion!

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Honestly, Im still trying to figure out where the bomb comes into play.
Ive been hunting since the 1970s. Never found a use for a bomb, lol.
Fishing…well, I guess, but using a cap to stun fish is pretty much illegal, but I guess it could be a thing.
But for hunting, I honestly cant for the life of me figure out what possible use for a bomb there would be for hunting, lol.

I do agree that their taking stuff away is probably killing the game more than anything else.
I didnt use First Aid. didnt bother with it at all. didnt use bandages.
But removing it from the game was just one more symptom of the sad state of ‘lazy’ of blizzard these days where they just want their jobs to be easier instead of keeping this game as good as possible.
Probably why theyre removing abilities from specs…just less work overall when thats that fewer abilities to have to work on every patch / expansion.

That’s a perfect counter point to the whole argument that was made for switching SV from ranged to melee. Oh, the irony.


I think it’s because BM hunters aren’t putting kill command on all their buttons *nod

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Personally, and don’t pile on here, but bep is right on most of this.

I started playing hunters and warriors in late vanilla, early bc.

Survival was primarily ranged, but it had 3-4 abilities , right off, that I remember. Mongoose bite, raptor strike, and wing clip. And they were more designed to be abilities to let you get back to ranged.

Mongoose bite did a little dmg but nothing crazy.

Wingclip does slight…did lol, slight dmg with a 50-70 percent slow

Raptor strike gave a 70 percent dmg reduction for 6 seconds.

So each of these moves, just give you a way to stall or slow to get back into range


Survival has no ranged abilities, at all.

Mongoose bite was only active after being in melee combat with someone.

And could root with the talent helping you get out into ranged again.

In Vanilla it doesn’t. It’s also optimal to weave in the melee attack into your rotation.

No, just wing clip, with improved wing clip on it.

The spec is a hybrid. You’re for sure meant to be ranged, but the spec itself was designed to enhance the melee capabilities of the hunter.

Edit: You’re also missing counter attack.

Like I said, that’s what I remembered right off. Some of my info got worked in with bc since I played more there.

Thanks for the updates

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No problem man. Just trying to clean up misinformation with the spec.

Didn’t RSV also have Wyvern Sting? That was a ranged ability. Or am I thinking BC era?

You’re 100% right. Only usable outside of combat though. I should have clarified good catch!

Whew! Glad to hear my memories aren’t playing tricks on me. :grin:


SV is melee and staying melee. Deal with it or move on at this point.

We were talking og abilities. Ease up


Stopped reading once I realized you’re not max level

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Me? Nah, I’ve been max. I have five other Toon’s. I just happened to have logged off on this one.

My main is a pally on this server and I have a max Ally hunter on stormrage. Just wanted to ply this guy since he was one of my originals.

Gotta remember your armory shows the character you logged off on last unless you change it

He may be talking about the OP?

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Hope so lol. But I’ll max this guy out in a few days. Either way it’s all good

Going back to the macro…I just found out about reset, lol.

/castsequence reset=1.5 SERPENT STING, WILDFIRE BOMB

My GCD shows as 1.3 seconds or so on every hunter Ive got capped at level 60, so I can hit both the SS and the WB, then after 1.5 seconds SS resets and I can use it again to Dot another target while waiting for WB to come off CD.
Can usually dot a few targets with SS before WB is off CD.