Lord Ahune

I’ve done the Lord Ahune fight every day for the holiday without receiving the mount appearance. Will the increased drop rate carry over to next year?

probably not.

I know it only has a chance to drop on the first kill each day & the % for it to drop goes up each time , my question is does the % go up if you do it on alts ? I know it wont drop on alts but does the % go up , currently I think it only goes up 1-2% a day on first kill.

As they state it only works for the first kill of the day, I doubt your alts have any impact at all on the percentage chance. Since they can’t get it, it wouldn’t affect your account, I would presume.

No, it’s only based off the first run on your account.

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Thats sucks I am at 31% and right now I can’t get past the battlenet logging screen :frowning:

How do you know what percentage you’re at? Did Blizzard post the percentages?

Edit: oh, you mean a download probably. I read that all wrong. LOL

I only had it drop for me yesterday after doing it daily.
If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t be as annoyed knowing there wasn’t much point to spamming it with alts like before though.