Loot/Trade Chat Window is missing, but only on one character

I have like 6 active characters on my account.

on 5 of them, I have 2 chat windows.

1 on the left with General, Combat Log, and Voice tabs.

1 on the right with a Trade/Loot tab.

on my 6th character, this one that I am posting on, the Trade/Loot tab is missing, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I have just literally done a fresh install of the game and it did not fix it. I deleted all my addons, deleted the game, downloaded the game from scratch, logged in with no addons installed, and it is still the same.

This is aggravating me. if it were all of my characters, I would be less aggravated, but it literally only this one that I have this issue on.

Any idea how to fix this before I start downloading my addons again?

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But did you do a full UI reset? Thatā€™s actually different than a reinstall. Sometimes things still linger.

You should also be able to make a new tab and in the options check off what you want and donā€™t want to see in that tab. Is that not working?

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Over on reddit I was told that the 2nd chat window is not a function of the default UI, it is a function of ElvUI, which is odd because I uninstalled ElvUI like a week or two ago and havenā€™t been using it.

Iā€™m gonna do this full UI reset you linked here and see what happens.

Update: Nope, still the same.

My other characters have the 2nd tab, my Paladin does not.

I was curious about that too. I didnā€™t think the base UI allowed chat windows to be separated into two.

Itā€™s not default to the default UI and I used to have them prior to me using Elvui. I had to create them in the default UI myself by right clicking on the chat tab and creating a new one, moving it to where I wanted and renaming it.

I think now itā€™s in Edit Mode?

Edit: I was referring to the second chat window on another part of the screen.

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Itā€™s just so weird to me. all my other characters besides my Paladin have the 2nd chat tab, and nothing I do makes it go away on my other characters, or gives it to me on my Paladin.

I am currently sitting on absolute fresh, ā€œIā€™ve-never-played-WoW-Beforeā€ UI settings, and my DH has the 2nd tab, and my Paladin does not have it.

Iā€™m at my wits end.

Before you had Elvui, did you perhaps set those toons up that way?

Edit to your edit: You should be able to right click on the tab at the top of your chat window on the toon that is missing on and create a new window/tab. If for some reason, it wonā€™t let you select those options, make sure you have the chat window set to interactable.

I did not.

When I started playing WoW again, I used ElvUI immediately from the start.

Itā€™s been a while since anyoneā€™s posted here, but I found this thread when looking for a solution to this exact problem for myself. Just thought I should let you know I found a workaround for it. If you want to get the second chat panel for the character that is missing it, go to your cache folder (the path should be something like D:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\Account Name\Realm). Then choose any character who has the second panel present. Once in that folder, copy the ā€œchat-cacheā€ file. Go back, and to the character who is missing the panel. Delete their ā€œchat-cacheā€ folder, and paste the one you copied. As long as your game is closed when you do this, it should work for you.


Bruh, you are a life saver. I was going to have an aneurysm. Thank you.


I was having the same problem and you helped me as well. Thank you!

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This was finally the solution - thank you!

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You are the hero we need but donā€™t deserve. I was tearing my hair out over this.

I uninstalled ELVUI and my chat boxes disappeared. I FIGURED IT OUT FINALLY, and I think I figured out why it happened. In case anyone else has this happen, and spends all the time trying to fix it, and STILL doesnā€™t work o/
-Telling Elvui not to do my chat boxes anymore didnā€™t work.
-Reset cvars didnā€™t work.
-Reinstalling didnā€™t work.
-Deleting WTF, Caches, Interface didnā€™t work.
-Copying a chat-cache from a toon that is working - didnā€™t work.
What happened?
When I setup ELVUI I said get rid of the right loot/trade panel, as I like to make that a panel in my left chat box, so itā€™s all nice and neat. It seems this somehow deletes the real chat panel provided by Blizz. I have no idea why when I reinstall, reset, etc. nothing fixed it, but it did not.
I reinstalled ELVUI, reset cvars in the inital setup, clicked setup chat, then skipped the rest of the setup, ā€˜doneā€™, esc - elvui options- went to chat panel, told it to show both panels, and donā€™t snap them to chat panels. Saved it. Went to add ons, turned off ELVUI, clicked somewhere in the bottom right corner and the original blizz chat box appeared. I was then able to unlock it, move it back to the left side, and carry on. Re-did this on 4 toons, and itā€™s finally fixedā€¦

Absolutely goated been trying to figure this out for ages. I love you.

The directions Ackbahr listed fixed the issue for me. Important to be logged out of the game before deleting and copying the chat-cache file - at least is was for me, I first tried this fix while still logged in and attempted a /reload - it did not work. Logged out, followed the instructions, logged back in - loot/trade chat window back. THANK YOU!!!

ā€œright clicking on the chat tab and creating a new oneā€ - life saver. I had same issue as OP. This was what I was missing! I always forget this! Thanks for the reminder.