Looters Anonymous is a gaming community and a casual AOTC raiding guild on US-Thrall. Originally formed in 2008, we are growing our roster preparing for Season 2. All players looking for a fun and welcoming home are encouraged to reach out!
We raid on Tuesdays from 7:30PM-10:00PM EST (Server). As mentioned, we are a casual guild, and as such enjoy dedicating only one night a week to raiding. This hasn’t prevented us from achieving AOTC, and have picked up secondary raid nights sporadically when the group was craving more time facing progression.
Current Recruiting Needs:
- Ranged DPS
- Melee DPS
- Healer
On non-raid nights you will find our members running mythics, leveling alts, playing other games and hanging out in voice chat.
Please feel free to shoot me a message in game or add me to bnet – Elk#1610 if you’d like more information!