Automated punishments should never be a thing.
Exactly this.
If the Classic community is to police itself, then in needs to be granted the authority and ability to do so. To do so we will need to be permitted to bring player transgressions into the open so that the Community can act upon that information if needed. And, those individuals that maintain a history of toxic behaviors will be appropriately dealt with by said Community.
Even though I thought I was a #nochanges hardliner, I have softened and can see how Loot Trading could be OK.
But I think it should be in BOTH the raids and 5-man content.
[Edit] I guess I could see both sides of the argument though.
Bornakk, thank your Classic team for listening to us and our concerns. We appreciate the absolute hell out of you guys, keep pushing forward and we are all beyond excited for this to take off!
Very good stuff. Love it!
This isn’t a deal breaker really or effects anything. AV on the other hand needs to be dealt with like right now. People don’t like, anyone who is saying other wise never played. Like maybe some of them haven’t cause they just say “oh it was dead anyways”… how was it dead if battles lasted 2+days and the game would close the BG if it fell under 20 people. (I learned that from a private server because AV sucks on private servers). I don’t ever remember AV closing even 1 time too not enough players back in the day.
Wouldn’t mind having this system in BfA either
So we will see Baron Rivendare mount been ninja looted again
The necro is strong in this one…
since we all know you are getting money from classic now can you remove the ability for people to roll for their friend/guildmate?
What about the Onyxia Hide Backpack? It is soulbound loot that drops in a raid yet is untradeable. It should be added to the trade list.
you guys could have simply modded the “recover deleted item” script with minimum work but allowed it to be delivered to “eligible players” instead, put the service on a cooldown and not had item trading in game.
I’m only just getting into classic but thank @%#! ninja looters were the bane of my existence.
two hour trading window only helps ninja looter, it doesnt make them give the item back
The problem with a standard like this is that there are in game bugs that they are not allowing for. I just ran Dire Maul north and we killed Kromcrush. The Kromcrush Chestplate just dropped and I’m the only plate wearer and need the item for best in slot tank upgrade. The loot option to roll on it never appeared for me so I was never given the option to roll need, but everyone else was given the option to roll greed. Some situations there should be an allowance for gear transferring from customer service.
Issue occurred on 5 November 2019 at 15:15 server time on Pagle. Unfortunately reporting the bug doesn’t do anything realistically, and I’m still out an item that was needed.
Hello! To update this thread and hopefully to get info to people, note that it is specifically raid gear that is tradeable, not non-gear items. My MC raid accidentally gave a Tome of Tranquilizing Shot to a rogue due to a mistake, and when we put in a ticket, I got a response that Blizzard is unable to help.
Thankfully, we were able to pug a hunter with tranq shot for Magmadar - we were having a lot of trouble without it.
This would mean, Woops, that Onyxia Hide Backpack is untradeable and also untransferrable by GM.
Yes, exactly; these items are not transferable, despite blizzard stating that if it has a raid ID, it is transferable. So there is currently a bug.
We had an issue that ML was set to blue in MC and a non hunter took the soothing shot book.
It is untradable even tho it is BoP raid loot.
Please update this to fix raid loot, or update your statement to include what specific “raid loot” is tradable and what is not in a raid
Why does world boss loot not have a 2 hour trade timer?