Loot system NEEDING is being Abused!

Thing is, that just enforces the

mindset which you claim is a problem.

The rolls have very clear and defined “roles”. Blizz set up restrictions. If those restrictions aren’t applying, then it doesn’t matter.

Folks that think higher geared people are still going to carry them if they never get loot are hilarious. And let’s not forget, you are still getting stacks of crests and stones, so it’s not like you got “nothing”. Upgrade that gear with them, maybe not suck so bad, and then you won’t have to feel so bent about not getting all of dem lootz.


All of these threads have tons of ppl talking about how they need on lfr mog (ignoring creation catalyst) or for disenchant (like wtf who does lfr for gold)

Lfr gear should be for the baddies who need it. I will stand by that.

Even those people have access to the same quality gear from the open world, with a much more deterministic structure (guaranteed 3 items/week).

Apparently they nerfed superbloom weekly idk for sure but ive seen people say it gives adventure track now :melting_face:

There was a hot fix note yesterday saying:


Well, you see, those baddies simply cannot earn gear any other way than being carried by LFR runs. I mean… won’t you, think of the baddies. (queue up the sarah mclachlan music)

For just two LFR runs a week, you too can sponsor a “baddie”. Ensure they get the loot that they need to survive in this dark and dangerous world. By just a simple 12 hours of your time, you can run your “baddie” through several raid wings, gaining them that quality Mad Lewt they so desperately need.

Think, please, of the baddies.

Lmao i swear they just change stuff and say it was a bug.

Still. Lfr gear should be for lfr heroes lol. We have plenty of ways to get gold and lfr mog if really want it.

Dramatic much Jesus christ…

Did they upgrade the loot folks got from it? Or sucks 2 be those of us that did it.

Did not specify.

Nah, just another dump and run troll thread.

Who were also the ones shouting down ML because nobody should ever be able to take away loot from anyone who participated in the kill.

Humor much?

As an LFR baddie, my waggle has been carrying the runs for years. :goat::dancer:t5:

Sounded more like someone complaing than a joke : )

i quit reading here. this kind of inflammatory language is a big turn-off to reasonable people.


The inflammatory language was the hook!

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Was an attempt at lightening the mood just a bit, by rolling the eyes as hard as possible, in a mocking yet “not trying to be mean” way.

I do LFR all the time, I have a ton of 70 alts (like 16). And yeah, it sucks when I don’t get the rolls. But I also go in on my well geared chars and steamroll it, passing on loot, and I know without the high level folks in there even LFR can suck hard.

I went on a DPS alt and was doing like 75k and was I think 3rd? And it was a painful run, with folks not knowing what to do, fights taking extra long, etc. So I don’t begrudge those folks for playing within the loot roll system.

It’s fair to argue the system could use improvement, although I feel everyone deserves a shot at something. But the players themselves shouldn’t be blamed. Their time, their effort, their reward.

As for arguments with respect to fixing the situation, personal loot is just a blind version of the need rolls. A better argument could be for simply more loot drops, or perhaps a combo of that plus say two drops per week as full on main-spec need? I dunno. There’s good ideas out there, but simply whining about people being “greedy” isn’t it.

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But u are ignoring my entire point.

They have a system which intends to distribute loot based on how a player needs it with player power taking prio over mog and gold.

If this is their intention they need to alter the system so this actually happens the way they want it to. Otherwise why have mog and greed rolls.

No where in the terms and conditions does it say I am obligated to read your mind in game, determine your version of morals, and abide by it. Way too controlling for me.