Loot rewards, Dragonsoul Raid 10/25 man


I wanted to open the dialogue on the limited loot in the upcoming Dragon Soul raid. It appears based on testing that each boss drops 1 “off-piece” and 1 tier piece or 2 “off-pieces” in 10 man difficulty. From what I gather 25 man drops 4 off piece’s 2 tier pieces for tier bosses and I’m not certain on the non tier bosses I assume 5 off pieces in that scenario.

I have raided every week in Cataclysm since the re-release and in Firelands been 7/7h since week 1 in a 10 man Heroic guild. We have several raiders that still do not have full heroic tier sets 13 lockouts deep. We have a fairly balanced comp of 3 prot, 4 conq, 3 vanq. I also raid in several other 10 man raid teams with very similar results. As for off pieces to fill out a full BIS character over the course of a raid tier maybe 1 or 2 people per raid have full BIS.

My argument here is that there should be a little more love given to the Dragon Soul loot. Even if the 2 pieces per boss in 10 man was the limit in original Dragon Soul I fail to see the harm in bumping up the rewards to at least line up with Firelands loot of 2 off-pieces per boss and 1 tier on tier dropping bosses. I would also say that adding an omni token akin to the phase 1 Al Akir drop that could be transformed into any tier token would go a long way in easing the pain of those pesky tier pieces.

I understand the gear chase is a fundamental part of raiding, and btw I also think 25 man should be buffed accordingly to remain just as lucrative or more than 10 man ( I just prefer 10 man raiding). I do not want this to turn into a 10 vs 25 man conversation I simply want raiding to feel as rewarding or more than it does currently in Firelands due to the frustrations I have seen in this current tier. I think basically removing an off-piece per boss would only increase the chance to be let down by seeing the same mail boots drop 2 times in a row when you only have 1 user in the raid.

Thank you, all wishful thinking on my part I know :smiley:

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It is likely that Blizzard will adjust drop rates to match those of Firelands. There are several bugs/issues that need be addressed and fixed, and this is one of them.

From what I understand this is not a bug and was the original state of Dragon Soul. But hopefully it is adjusted like you say.

Just about anyone without alternative goals of crippling 10 man because they like 25 man knows 10 man should get another piece of loot. I wouldnt even care if it means 25 gets more in the process. Loot tables are just to large in limited tiers for it to function correctly.

Tell everyone you didn’t play Vanilla without telling us you didn’t play Vanilla. You are complaining about 10-man loot giving 2 pieces plus 1 tier token, while 40-man raids dropped 2 to 3 pieces of loot per boss. Now imagine a raid four times the size of your 10-man dropping the same amount of loot.

I know one thing I will tell people…

Who cares what this guy has to say…

When you’re in Cata talking about vanilla you’re way off base.

I need to address Several points from this last comment.

Relevance of Experience: While discussing Cataclysm and Vanilla may seem off base to some, it is important to recognize that understanding the evolution of the game and its mechanics across different expansions can provide valuable insights. Dismissing someone’s perspective solely based on the expansion they are discussing overlooks the broader context of the game’s development.

Hypocrisy: It is worth noting that criticizing someone for discussing Vanilla while posting on a level 60 toon is hypocritical. If the level of the character being used to post is irrelevant to the validity of the argument, then the same standard should apply to the expansion being discussed.

Cherry-Picking: Accusing someone of being off base while selectively focusing on specific points without considering the overall context is a form of cherry-picking.

You seem quite angry about someone posting facts maybe you need a hug :people_hugging: Hope this helps you feel better.

and… another one to the list… this time for soap boxing.

Should be a forum rule against using ChatGPT to reply to things. It’s spam.

Hard agree.

Did you guys see the great news?