Loot god or...?

4 weeks since M+/raid opening.

2 characters.

9 m0 dungeons.

28 dungeons >= +2.

5 normal CN boss kills.

Ilvl 192 and 184.

Am I a loot god? I feel like 8-9 dungeons and one raid boss per week isn’t a lot of grinding… I’ve gotten no drops from raid either, it’s all from dungeons. just trying to gauge how I should feel about loot in Shadowlands. I PUG everything btw.

Pretty much like me except I am 195 . Feels great being a GOD :sunglasses:


That’s not possible, you have to run 15 dungeons at least to even see a drop. What a troll.


29+ m+5/+9
12 boss kill
pvp conquest cap

200ilvl !

Bow before your loot god Sly! :stuck_out_tongue:

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So you’re happy? Idk, I feel like I’m progressing at a decent rate.

What is it, doing some quick math here… I’m averaging a piece of loot every third dungeon? Dungeons have been taking 35 minutes on average? But probably another 15 minutes to make the group. So one piece of loot every 3 hours of gameplay. Except when I tank, then it’s just the 35 minutes basically. So on my tank I’m gearing up 30% faster than my dps class.

Still carrying a goose-egg on raiding though so I guess I should complain about that.

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I’ve barely run stuff, I’m sitting at 193 and I still haven’t made a legendary yet.

Iono what to say. It’s clear loot doesn’t drop as often but it doesn’t seem to have the same impact to me yet.


Well I just wanted to beat Sire as Lfr is too dam slow. I didn’t like the fight much but I know how to do it now might try Heroic just for Giggles.

Regarding gear, I just don’t care either it comes by or it doesn’t.

I actually have 2 - 200+ tank trinkets in my bag that does like nothing to make stuff die faster or tanking easier like one that absorbs 11k damage and heals you 200% if anything is left like what ?? what the ook?? This is final boss trinket :rofl:

Loot this expac is worse than ever. You are either a loot god or you might as well give up cause 20 runs and 3 pieces to show for it is pretty bad.

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Will they increase the loot rate? Or they decided this is the way to go from here on out?

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Not really an option to increase the loot rate everyone would be much better geared with many more aotc guilds being “done” with SL by now if we could gear faster.

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With all the whining even in game I am seeing it , most likely.


Are they actually good stats for you though or is it just ilvl upgrades?

right now ilvl upgrades (barring rings and necks) is good for you given how DR works. Now your primary stat is worth more than stacking secondaries.

Careful, Icarus…



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When you hit ilvl 200 you’re going to start hitting a wall and struggling for every point.
I’m stuck at 203 cause nothing will drop.

About average. I have 201 on dh and 196 on sham. Nb since I still work 40+ hour weeks.

Few friends have multiple geared toons and mythic progression. Wish I had that time.

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Is that a thing? The higher ilvl you are the lower your drop percentage is?

dinged 60 late Monday night on my shaman, already 181 ilvl. But it does pay to run with guildies

I went from 180 to 195 very quickly and then hit a WALL. 0 drops from 9/10 nath this week and I think I’ve had one m+ drop that was actually an upgrade