<Loot FTW> Recruiting For TWW / Raid Times = Sat/Sun 1-4pm EST, M+ / Casuals Welcome

Guild Name:

  • Loot FTW


  • Area52-US (Although in TWW guilds are being made cross realm so this will not be as important)

Raid Schedule:
Saturday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Sunday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

About Us:
As a guild we intend to accomplish AOTC every Season but we also farm/push M+ on a semi serious side, we will also be getting into delves and other things TWW offers.

As our core raid team is filling the remaining spots for TWW we aim to have 2/3/9 bumping up to 2/4/14 as we progress through HC into Mythic

What We Offer:
Laid back semi-hardcore experience, kill bosses but have fun doing it.
Dedicated raid times allowing us to have consistent and efficient raiding
experienced members that will help with questions/tactics of the Raid/M+/Delves

Recruitment Needs:
Ranged DPS

  • Shadow Priest
  • Warlock
  • Balance Druid
  • Mage

Melee DPS

  • Enh Shaman
  • WW Monk

To join our core team we ask that people maintain a respectable ilvl to stay competitive, we ask that you make it on time to raids if you sign up, show respect to all guild members as they will be expected to show respect to you, lastly we would ask that as we are going into a new expac you join with patience as we will all be figuring out the tactics as a guild and we will need to adjust to changes within classes etc.

All Socials/Casuals/M+/PvP are all welcome

How to Apply:
Feel free to contact either Castle8894 or Sunshui on discord