Loot at your own peril

Wow is currently broken. Looting is a gamble where you ante up your characters playtime against if you can loot the mob you just killed or the treasure chest you just found. If you’re lucky you get the loot, if you’re not, your character desyncs into purgatory.

Chat works, but you can’t use any abilities, other characters in game see your character as looting, frozen. On your client you can run around but not use abilities. Only way to fix this is to close the game with ALT F4, logging out or menu interaction won’t work. You cannot log back into that character because, “a character with that name already exists”. Now you have to wait 20 to 30 min for the server to kick off your character before you can “play” again.

This and the currency transfer bug make the game absolutely unplayable. Blizz should think about a rollback and refunding playtime, this is ridiculous.

Please fix this broke game


I was all set to enjoy an evening of Time Walking with friends. But this bug impacted two people in my party of guildies. It’s not just happening in Time Walking though- also delves and open world. I’m not willing to do Time Walking and wait for loot in the mail and miss out on all my TW badges. It’s ridiculous to expect players to find a workaround for bugs this big. It’s not just play time that should be refunded. It’s TW badges for loot that players had to forgoe in order to have any semblance of the game working yesterday. The fact that Blizzard hasn’t hotfixed this yet or even said anything about it makes me seriously question my commitment to this game.


There was a server issue, I thought I saw server maintenance for sometime this morning. But there’s posts in another forum and X@BlizzardCS

Do you have a link to the maintenance? I don’t want to even try to log in until this is addressed.

This affects raid looting as well. get the boot, character locked out for hours.

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this started yesterday. but its still ongoing at times. its like the server lags out when trying to loot or while in combat in delves (for me anyway, no issue in open world)

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Yea it seems to affect instances more often. It happened to me on a purple treasure in The Ringing Deeps so I think it can happen anywhere, unless the shard of The Ringing Deeps is an “instance”

Ah – Now what someone said last night made sense. He was asking in local chat - has anyone had issues w/being stuck in delves and can’t get out. I didn’t do any TW, Raids or Delves last night - normally just do rep quests 1st night and do the others later in week.

Hope they get this fixed.

I’ve been having issues doing anything in wow. My world is in the upwards of 3000 and home is 6000 but my internet connection is fine, my router is new, everything else is working great. But WoW is just…slooooooooow. Anyone know what’s going on? It hasn’t done this since the last DDOS attacks.

The thread you chose to bump was a one off problem on Tuesday reset which broke a bunch of stuff. Your issue sounds like some kind of routing issue to Blizzard servers. Lots of threads in tech support that may have a similar relation though with different symptoms. Haven’t seen anyone actually mention their ISP though, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were the same.