Loose Canons - A Canon RP & Writers Community

Loose Canons

A canon World of Warcraft RP, writers, and enthusiast community.

Events primarily based in Moon Guard (Alliance) and Wyrmrest Accord (Horde), but always accepting players from any server or realm!


Are you passionate about roleplaying or writing as your favorite canon characters in World of Warcraft? Do you love diving deep into lore, expanding headcanons, and exploring alternate timelines/universes? Then look no further than the Loose Canons!

Whether you want to explore alternate realities, delve into untold stories, or just put your own spin on a character’s journey, our creative space encourages all forms of canon character expression. Connect with like-minded enthusiasts, exchange ideas, and breathe new life into Azeroth’s legends!

:scroll: New Player Friendly!
:busts_in_silhouette: LGBTQIA+, System, & Kin Friendly!
:sparkles: OC Friendly!
:clinking_glasses: Get your canon toon jumpstarted to the current timeline dead or alive with our server lore and suggestions!
:hourglass: Meet our mascot NPC, Oznormi!


Discord Code: fc7JK9ZhmN