Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

Blizzard really needs to eliminate FOMO (fear of missing out) from their games.


Removed with no warning? I absolutely remember several friends busting their asses trying to buy it because they knew it was being removed. So… Hmm.

I just wish they’d make another mount with auction house on it. That mount is WAY too big. I’m so sick of people blocking mailboxes, NPCs and portals with it.


If it had not been data mined by a player we the player base would of never knew about it being removed when it was found…which really wasn’t early it was over half way though the expansion of BfA…


yeah…one blocking the box in dalaran next to the alchemist the last day or so, lol.


^This is a cool idea. I would be fine with a brutosaur mount with no vendors at all, but for 5 mil gold, maybe a mailbox NPC wouldn’t be such a bad replacement for the AH one. (I have Katy, so it’s not like I NEED an extra mailbox.)


I made a post here for a different thread. Then I decided rather than simply delete it, I’ll just say I think it would be great to have another sauropod mount in the game to work toward. No AH on it, just a mount.

Unfortunately the mindset of “that person worked really hard for that thing but I want it and don’t want to work hard at all waaaahhhhh!” isn’t really a valid argument, although there is a lot of strength in numbers in the entitled younger millennial and Sommer generations.

They also want students loans that they consciously committed to to be refunded which is in the same vein of thinking.

The fact that you even use this argument in reference to a game that you pay to play for fun, is kind of sad.


This is true, BUT

It does not apply to this case. No one is saying this at all. Even the quote you posted says, “with relatively the same amount of effort.” That means, the same effort relative to the reward. If you think that means, “I want it and don’t want to work for it”, that’s a reading comprehension issue on your part.

What most people are complaining about in this thread is Blizzard changed the rules mid-expansion. Blizzard didn’t announce it–it was data mined and outed by this thread. This was an extremely underhanded, sneaky way to handle the issue. If they didn’t want AH mounts to be “common”, they NEVER SHOULD HAVE PUT IT IN THE GAME TO BEGIN WITH.

Gold sink mounts were NEVER limited time only, for the entire history of the game until this sudden change in the middle of the expansion. The limited availability was never even mentioned by Blizzard outside of this thread until just before Shadowlands.

Now, there is a popular argument that nothing in the game should be time limited, and major content should never be removed. That’s related to this issue, but is actually a different complaint. It still isn’t asking that things should just be given to players.

The main point of THIS THREAD was that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur should never have been removed since it wasn’t labeled as time-limited when it first appeared in the game. Since it was removed, and since the ONLY reason Blizzard gave for its removal was that they didn’t want AH mounts to become common, most of us want a replacement brutosaur without an AH put for sale on the vendor. The replacement would not lessen whatever value the MCB has because it wouldn’t be the same mount, it wouldn’t come with the achievement, and it would still cost gold. Also, those players who already have the MCB could also collect the new mount and thus have two brutosaur mounts.

Honestly, you sometimes sound like the one who is whining when you complain that people will no longer be impressed by your effort if others are able to buy a different sauropod from yours. I’ve got some news: No one is impressed now. Not really. They just want to quickly use your vendor or for you to move your big mount out of their way. They don’t even bother to look at who the character is who’s on the dang thing, and they sure don’t think, “Wow, Vegan really worked hard for that mount. I’m impressed!”

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he is trolling , don’t take him seriously id report him .
As per brutosaur it seems it has being completely removed from the game and the only way to get it is through unclaimed black market AH lootboxes thats a chance of 3000 to 1 probably lower and each unclaimed black market AH costs fluctuates on servers so basically you could spend 20 millions in black market AH loot boxes and still don’t get the mount.
since july 14 2021 brutosaur stopped showing in the black market AH rotation its january 28 2022 over 6 months and the mount has not being seeing in NA nor EU region black market AH.
Blizzard refuses to acknowledge the issue claiming that in the patch notes of july 14 hotfix it doesn’t say it was removed .
We have had several threads about it and support claims the same " we understand but in our patch notes it says it was not removed" yet here we are 6 months in and no brutosaur has being seeing in the BMAH before july 14th hotfix you could see it between 1 to 2 times per month in the region, after hotfix it stopped appearing , pretty odd.
Given how they just seem to have something against the mount one could speculate they shadow removed it sneakily .


There was a blue post.

There comes a point where if you don’t take any effort to look up news on the game, that’s on you and it’s your fault. FOMO sucks, but what sucks more is people complaining about stuff when the news was everywhere, and we had a year with that warning.

It does need to come back to the BMAH though.

“ a game that you pay to play for fun”

You actually pay to play this game?

Now THAT, is sad.

You sound like an anti-vaxxer.

Congrats, you linked to the very thing that linked here where someone called out the removal of the bruto and how it wasn’t announced. Only then did the blue come in and say “yes, about that…”

It was sneaky and ridiculous, and the fact it hasn’t showed up on the BMAH for over 6 months after showing up every couple weeks roughly is even worse after making it quite clear they intended for it to go on BMAH after its vendor removal.


That blue post was in November 2019. And it was removed with Shadowlands which was late 2020. So again, it was not without “notice”.

But at any rate, I’m very glad there aren’t more of them out there. They are HUGE and for whatever reason people think it’s hilarious to use them to block mailboxes, vendors, and portals.

Now, if they’d come up with another AH mount, that would be great… maybe not something quite so big… an Engineering portable AH would be nice also

Two things:

  1. It wasn’t announced until a PTR tester called them out on it. Sure, they technically provided “notice”, but not because they did it willingly. They knew they were going to remove it before that time and kept their mouth shut until someone shined the spotlight on it. That’s indefensible.

  2. It was removed with prepatch, not the SL drop itself. Prepatch was early October. We had less than a year to save up 5 million gold. That’s easy for the barons, but a royal pain for the others. Many, like myself, would’ve absolutely spent our gold differently throughout the first year and a half of BFA if we knew the dino was getting yanked at that time.

To me, my line of thinking with the removal is “this is dumb FOMO and they just want to sell tokens, but they did say it’ll be on the BMAH, so whatever - it will still be obtainable”

Now that it hasn’t shown up on the BMAH for over 6 months, either due to a shadow removal or a bug, those of us with my line of thinking are once again making a fuss about this.

If Blizzard would just get the thing back into the rotation like it’s supposed to be according to them, then people like me wouldn’t be posting here.


Guys, per the topic title, make sure you purchase your brutosaurs prior to 9.0.1.

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I guess we’ll never know if they were going to announce it or not then. I just prefer not to accuse them of “not giving notice” when I have no idea what their intentions were.

Still plenty of notice.

bro you seem to not understand anything at all .
if noone calls them out on their move that blue post wouldn’t of exist , thats like shoplifting getting caught and claiming just kidding i totally wasnt shoplifting but you caught me now so i guess like everything else is conspicuous.

The anger of most people here is that fomo was implemented on a gold sink , not only that, they lied to us telling us it was gonna be on the BMAH just to shadow remove it /bug and not caring to fix it since july 14 2021 its being 6 months and they dont care because lets face it its probably shadow removed and because not many have a gold cap to get it people dont really mind.
I heard they were removing it i started playing in october in a month i couldnt get it , but hey its gonna be in the bmah i can just farm a cap and get it right ? right ? no shadow removed /bugged since july 14.



I’m saying you can’t know whether they were going to announce it or not. Maybe they were going to post about it the next week. You don’t know.

I don’t think it’s correct to say they WEREN’T going to give notice.

At any rate, Good riddance to the big ugly thing.