Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

I said that a million times in the original thread but people kept saying “They did warn you!”

Yup this. After so many flags, it gets auto locked for a while. Because people aren’t capable of using the report system properly.


I’m fairly sure every post on these forums is “upsetting” to someone. Heck, the forums as a whole are pretty “upsetting”. Maybe the entire thing should be auto-locked.

they could always put in a dummy ‘thumbs down’ button that does placebo duty, like the ‘close elevator door button’ does in a lift

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Nah they don’t need to bring it back, they just need to actually action these people so they know lol.

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This is what I found ironic: being told to go to that thread by a Blue.

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That’s would be throwing all the posts into the trash can.

Locking the thread for “reasons” is taking out the trash.

And yet, no one had their post deleted.

They started using this tactic with the Hong Kong mess both here and on the WoW subreddit.

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This issue seems have brought out an unexpectedly ugly side of the community just as things seemed to be improving around here.

People didn’t abuse the flagging system to get the thread shut, they were abusing the flagging system to try to squelch those they did not agree with. Also cannot determine who the ones abusing the flagging system to result in the thread getting locked.

If only people took it upon themselves to have a civil discussion instead of trying to piss each other off and/or being angry at the world.

But Blizz can, and they darn well ought to start cracking down on that sort of thing.


I was just referencing that some people will try to imply that it wasn’t their side that caused it and that it was the other side’s doing.

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No doubt it was all sides contributing. That’s why Blizz needs to get tough on flagging abuse.

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I don’t really see why the intent of the abuse matters, all that matters was the end result; thread getting closed because people abused a flawed system.

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Please stop whining.


You want to see how fast this power can be invoked upon the most innocent of subjects?

Make a thread with the words “high elf” in the title.

Anyway, this is clear abuse of the flagging function. They can’t merge a thread into one that’s already locked, so it’s fair game to make another one to discuss this issue.

Just trying to bury it. Nothing to see here.

Its a cash grab and a pretty empty and shallow one… Its bad pr if more and more people are drawn to it so it must die.

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If the locking of that thread isn’t the most transparent attempt to bury an issue I’ve ever seen, then I don’t know what is. How much more blatant can they be about this??


Its open again :smiley: