Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1

I love the whole ‘blizz is making me spend 500 dollars argument ‘

Like what😅


How dare I have something to take my mind off of struggling. Shame on me for wanting an escape from my entire family dying around me while I spend the last of my money on rent and helping out my folks in their time of need.
I should be ashamed of myself for wanting to have fun and some sort of entertainment while I’m broke.
Thank you for opening my eyes.


Or useing that money for something more tangible like a new computer or tablet or phone insteed.


While I have farmed all my gold (and have both the Brutosaur and Black Widow) and never bought a token I’m just going to point out the error in your comment.

Time is money… it’s actually much easier for me to earn $500 in real life than it is to get 5 million gold.

I get like $500 from 2-3 days of work. I haven’t made 5 million gold this xpac and I’ve been grinding pretty hard.


Id rather spend it on tokens that give game time than a mount.
I mean thats nearly 3 years of free game time for 1 mount.


Oh cool, grind a long time or pay to skip the entire process, ala fee to play games. :roll_eyes:

Oh goody, this comment as well as others get dumped into one big thread. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this to just ignore the problem. Coarse i’m just being cynical here, maybe they do see the problem and not ignoring it and just simply cleaning up and putting it all in one huge thread wihle working out a solution… well a “solution”, but this is the second time this happened in my experience. And way too recent after the last controversy Blizzard had where they had to put out a non apology for that at Blizzcon 2019 and still did nothing to resolve that problem. I’m going to hazard to guess that Blizzard will at some point will “Apologize” for this one as well, expectations are not high here, i mean we all predicted back at launch to 8.1.5 that BFA is gonna have old gods stuff.

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But then what would people be angry about and accuse Blizzard of?


Or or heres another thought. Just dont buy it.



I’m not paying $675 of my local currency. Thanks but no thanks.


Yea no ty I’ll stick with my trusty Vicious Warsteed whom King Varian awarded me back in Cataclysm for winning many rated battlegrounds against the unrelenting Horde but got them

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Because they are creating false scarcity, they did the same with stuff they removed from the store

People have more urge to buy an item if said item is getting removed, so people that didnt plan on getting it any time soon now may have the urge to expend money to get it since it will be gone.

Its a well know tactic used by companies.

Theres also the fact that there was no previous announcement of being a temporary mount (Which should have been made clear from the very beginning of BFA) and thats getting removed when the similar mounts like Mammoth and Yak (or the other expensive one the Spider) didnt got that treatment


You really think that would have made a difference ? I think all that would happen is that people would be outraged at the start of the expansion rather than now and a bunch of outrage at the start of an expansion isn’t all that great for business.

^^^^ that right there ^^^^^

If you want to buy it that’s your prerogative but you are not forced to buy it.

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Assuming everyone spends their money biweekly on WoW tokens the price of said tokens will plummet faster then you can say Brutosaurusmount.


All these people acting like they were going to buy it and acting outraged because blizzard is forcing them to spend hundreds of dollars.
This has got to be one of if not the most ridiculous thing gd has got upset about

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I know, but if they plan on removing it later on it should have been clear from day 1, or they shouldn’t remove it in the first place cause theres no reason AT ALL to do so

Plus doing stuff like that (leaving bad new for later) is plain scummy, and they have done it in the past to evade bad reviews, a clear example is Crash Team Racing

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Never knew this thing existed until the tears began to flow.

Its a fairly rare mount due to how expensive the thing is

I’m never going to think removing things from the game is okay. Especially when they apparently had no intention of telling us they were going to be taking this out.


They might not have made that decision until recently. Can’t hardly expect them to tell you 14 months ago when they didn’t know they were going to do this.