Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

They clearly don’t. lol

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I get into a lot of discussions on this forum. My 4.2k post count is a testament to that. I find most people make emotional arguments, rather than logical/rational ones. People will argue till their face turns blue, even in the face of data that literally proves them incorrect, and then keep arguing more. I find it frankly amazing that people just can’t admit when they made a mistake. Never trust a man that is always right. Trust the person that can admit when they screw up.


“harassing employees and/or removing them is not and can lead to actions being taken”

To the mega thread.


Look under the OP and you’ll see the linked threads. This isn’t rocket science.

No employee was directly harassed, and he didn’t call for them to be fired. :woman_shrugging:

It’s no more harassment, then people yelling at blizzard as a whole for making stupid decisions.

Really stretching here. Especially since you left out half of his paragraph he posted there, that immediately contradicts this.

Here’s the -entire- post… you know for clarity purposes:

“Blizzard creates false scarcity where it makes absolutely no sense and has never existed while at the same time devaluing items that SHOULD have scarcity and I, personally, am beyond sick and tired of this. Whoever is in charge of marketing these, whoever is in charge of these choices and decisions should be removed from that position. I don’t think they should be fired but I do think they are making god awful choices and should not be in charge of making this absolutely dumb, inconsistent, choices.”

He specifically states he doesn’t want people fired. He just thinks whomever did make this choice is making stupid choices that make everyone look bad. but hey, keep quotin’ out of context.

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even at the end of thread it was stated:

I’m locking this thread

Locked thread =/= moved thread. Learn the difference for crying out load.

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Yeah calling an employee dumb and saying they need to be moved is great optics

Except, every expansion has some sort of gold sink mount, and there might have been another one… seriously, if you didn’t save the gold now and you won’t in the next year, that’s on you.

You just got my last like for the day. :grin::+1:


That’s the whole purpose of things like this, it’s expensive now, but it might not be in the future, by putting it on the bmah it will always be more expensive.

There was not a single person that plays the game that was thinking, you know what would be a good design decision? Removing things from the game and making them even more exclusive by putting them on the BMAH randomly.

This is just a stupid and poor decision.


It’s almost like that’s not the point.


oh hey, this is here now. inb4 blizz locks this thread because it now has a linked to a thread they already locked and didnt merge.

You can speak for yourself all you want, but telling other people what they should, or should not, be concerned about is beyond just stating your opinion. That’s you forcing your opinion onto other people.

And one of the reasons these forums exist is to give players a way to contribute feedback about the game. Don’t like that? Then go somewhere else.


It’s almost like you missed the point…

Oh wait, you did because you’re leaving out my point is that the other poster is saying they would have saved the money in 4 years and that’s making the assumption they wouldn’t falter and buy other things… like they’ve done all this expansion.

They’re trying to say their behavior in the future (saving gold) can’t be predicted by their behavior so far (not saving gold).

I had a long-term plan that allowed me to play the game with the amount of time I have to play and save up the gold I needed in four years. I don’t have the option of increasing my play time, and I don’t want to stop doing everything else I do in game just to make gold to buy a mount.

You apparently don’t understand anything about long-term goal making and assume that anything a person doesn’t get immediately, they didn’t really want.


Yeah… closing the topic made by that MVP was no more than silencing.

And the issue here is it was not revealed while this mount was purchasable for 5mil. To bait and switch like that is a disappointing business tactic.

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I would like to welcome everyone to the mega thread. I’ll be your forum host this evening. Hopefully everyone has a good time, a constructive discussion, and we keep the toxicity to a min–hahaha, who am I kidding? Someone fight me!


How do you people jump off a cliff every time GD?


It can’t. When I started WoW I had no intention of getting into PvP. Now I have several elite sets and tabards. During that time I said that I would never get into Raiding. Only for me to get into it during Legion and clear 2 raids on Mythic. Unless you’re some kind of time traveler, you have no place to try and make the assumption that just because someone isn’t wiping their behind with gold right now that they’ll never have the interest in doing so in the future.


It would have been different if they said it was limited time when the mount was released. They didnt. Gotta FOMO their playerbase though