Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

^This here is just super aggravating. They said this:

And then they stealthily made it next to impossible to get even from the BMAH.

Their reason for its removal was they didn’t want AH mounts to become common. This is all the more reason to make another non-AH model available for gold from a vendor.

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I would absolutely love this! I have the mighty caravan bruto, but I want one I can use as a casual mount. I’d love it to be scaled down in size a bit as well as lacking the vendors. Similar to the difference between the transmog yak and the regular ones. Call it the Littlefoot Brutosaur, for those old timers who grew up with the Land Before Time!


I’m on board with Littlefoot, but I use my brutosaur as a casual mount all the time. Why do you feel like your bruto isn’t casual?

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I dunno. No good reason if I’m honest. Part of it is I feel as though I’m showing off. Part of it is people often come up and try and use the vendors and I feel rude just taking off. But even putting all that silly internal struggle aside, it’s also just a very busy mount aesthetically. A simpler one would just be nice.



When I stop caring about stuff in this game is when I’ll just quit.


That was the announcement.
It was posted literally everywhere on every news source related to the game.

Ain’t nobody’s problem but your own if you can’t take 2 minutes a week to look up something on WoWhead, MMOC, ect ect. It’s an MMORPG, not a single player game that sometimes gets hotfixes.

People are so horribly lazy they want every single change in this game apparently just flashed across their screen when they log in or something.

I have no idea what you’re going on about but whatever. I’ve made my view clear and you’re going off on tangents.


I have not seen on BMAH yet. I check frequently. I think it was on ours at one point but I missed it or it got bid way up really fast. So, one time.

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It hasn’t been on any realm’s BMAH since July 14. It’s bugged, plain and simple and Blizzard refuses to do anything about it.


Yeah. I guess they really intended to remove the MCB entirely, but used the BMAH as a smokescreen. I don’t think they want to fix it, frankly.

I wish they would add one in 10.0 that has an AH, a portal to the expansion hub and a portal to SW/Org.

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Would be nice if they would put it back in, my wife really wants that mount. We weren’t playing when it was out. Even if it was a different version with different vendors or whatever, she just really likes dinosaurs.


Just saw this, and it seems relevant to this thread:


And if you’re into collecting the Night Fae soulshapes, then this addon’s for you:


december 9 2022 no brutosaur in bmah we can assume now that its has being removed and can only be obtained from loot boxes

probably for the best…it would instantly go for gold cap otherwise.

at least there’s a chance i can snag a brontasaur for like 200k in a box :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

how about having both options ?


They should have given them to anyone who watches Twitch.


Good luck with that. Been watching a Youtuber opening BMAH boxes for a while now and he’s yet to see a Zulain Tiger (what he’s after) or the Brutosaur. He’s opened nearly 300 boxes now and spent over 100,000,000 gold.