Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Just check the achievement date, people didn’t start buying the mount with tokens til later in the expac when they heard it was going away.

And my main’s name is Gold….an educated guess would be that I had been saving up for years and bought it first day it was out!

Can you please repost them? I am NOT navigating all that way back to see them but would def check out what you’re talking about if you did.

Wow no gold sink oh no!

Oh no, Gold’s gone vegan.

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I don’t doubt you, I’m just saying there’s no way to know, even going by the achievement date. You can’t say for certain that no-one bought one of those mounts when the expac launched; it’s only a conjecture you’re making based on what makes sense to you.

As far as reposting the brutos… I’ll think about it. Don’t recall where I pulled them from to begin with, and I’m not sure if I want to comb through all my posts, either. (Not that I’ve been a prolific poster in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
Edit: See post below :arrow_down:

Ah. Here’s the post:

Unfortunately, I’ve lost my trust level and can’t quote the links in the post. You can click the arrow to go directly to the post to see the links.

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An undead or spectral bruto would be awesome


It frustrates players who miss out. Most people believe everyone should be able to achieve the same things in the same game with relatively the same amount of effort.


I got that Feat of Strength!

[cut to a scene of Arthas standing in Zuldazar. He plunges Mawmourne into Azeroth, and a dead Brutosaur reanimates and roars. All the Blood Trolls roar with him.]

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January 23 2022 still no brutosaur in the bmah since july 14 hotfix when it was bugged /shadowremoved from rotation.
blizzard wont acknowledge is bugged or it was removed , it only acknowledge that in the patch notes it says “it got also added to loot boxes”.


Can’t wait for 9.0.1 to come out

This is not a solution to a game where we all lease our characters. It should be either available 24/7 or become available in the store by now. Like I said, we lease our characters, we do not own them. Therefore these FOMO-restrictions should be removed. WoW could afford such cheap tricks in the past but given its current status they should actually be glad that people still want to play their game.


I agree to disagree. I like the fact that there are mounts and collectibles that have a limited window to achieve or buy. It keeps them unique and valuable.

I don’t have a problem with time-limited items and mounts. My issue with THIS mount was that it wasn’t originally time-limited. Its status was changed more than a year into the expansion with NO notice from Blizzard. The change was only “outed” when it was data-mined and this thread was created. Other than the two blue responses in this thread, Blizzard made no official acknowledgement of the change until just before the end of the expansion.

If the mount had been time-limited from the beginning, I would have no issue with it whatsoever. Changing the rules midstream, in the very underhanded, sneaky way they did, is what riled me and a number of the other posters in this thread.

Even so, I’m not asking for them to return the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to the vendor now that it’s been removed. I’m asking for them to put one of the other non-AH brutosaur models on the vendor as a replacement. Blizzard’s stated reason for the removal was they don’t want to see AH mounts become common. So, make another sauropod mount available to make up for the shoddy way they handled this entire thing. People who have the original still have their unique, AH-mount and achievement–but they could also get a second mount if they wish. People who didn’t get the original still have a sauropod mount they can save up and work toward getting.


I wish they would just remove the auctioneer and add the mount back to the vendor for the original price. They changed the reforging NPC to a transmog one on the Grand Expedition Yak, so they should have just done the same thing here if AH proliferation was such a bad idea.

What they should do is make it so there are two versions of the mount in the code, but only one shows to you in the game. If you bought the mount before it was removed at the end BFA, you see mount A with an auctioneer. If you buy it after it is returned to the vendor, you see mount B that has a transmog NPC or w/e (I was thinking a Katy Stampwhistle mail NPC might be a neat change).

As a mount collector, I would still pay 5m with no auctioneer. I just couldn’t make the 5m in time for the end of BFA.

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pretty sure they regret making it.


They’ll be regretting it for as long as this game has a single live server, because me and Stampy ain’t goin’ nowhere.


You tell’em Brahmina…it was very damn sneaky the way they got rid of this mount…and us owners of this mount wouldn’t get mad if they added a non AH version of it…just be another mount I could buy too…


No doubt. They removed portals to nowhere and gave some hokey jokey excuse, lol, clearly to funnel us thru the capitals…then remove any reason to go to the capitals (other than chromie time swaps) by giving a portal AH.
(personally I take engineering on all characters for the extra AH’s)

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still it was a great goal , i mean the reason why they removed it is so dumb .
They said oh they don’t want it to be like the mammoth , well i still know people that dont got the gold to buy the yak , much less a 5 million g mount imagine how many months or years it might take to casual players to achieve that hell, it was a great goal .
removing it without removing yak /spider/mamoth is dumb.
sadly 9.2 will come out and im sure it will be still unobtainable and i aint someone that enjoys loot boxes so im not gonna waste gold on loot boxes i already saw enough youtube videos of people opening 10/20 bmah unclaimed lootboxes and finding only garbage.